Laser cooling


Newly Enlightened
Feb 8, 2005
UK, East Sussex
Is it possible to put thermal paste around the barrel so there is better heat transfer to the casing, would this make any difference, someone iknow has done it and put ramsinks around the end of the pointer and claims he can leave it on without ant duty cycle at 45mw, could this be true?

I would reccomend gutting the pointer and using a non conductive ceramic/aluminum thermal paste where the diode is and where the block meets the housing.

It helps however its still a passive radiator, you just allowing the created heat to leave one area faster. The heat needs to go/be put somewhere for reliable operation.

If you want I will tell you about my obsession with peltier elements /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
I have a 70mw built from scratch with Arctic Silver in every gap and joint. The casing noticeably gets warmer much quicker and allows for about 10-20secs extra at 70mw /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon23.gif

Unfortunately as Spec said - the paste should be non-conductive but Arctic Silver is great for shorting the pins on the diode...and takes a lot of cleaning to get rid of it.
On a related subject, anybody know where to get Maxim's MAX1968. Its a TEC controller chip. I know where to get 1000 of them. I need less than 10.
You should be able to get Maxim Ic's directly from the manufacturer.
With some luck you can even get free samples.
Thanks. Do you think I would need to convince them this is in evaluation for a production run to get free samples?

If this works, I would not mind trying it with Casix or Castech /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif