Where guns are illegal in Canada, I'd like to try a new 'sport' where I shoot balloons with lasers from far away. No serious thoughts so far but I'd like to equip a long stick with a laser and scope attachments. I've had this thought for a year or so now and am just curious. I'm aware of the dangers associated with lasers but as long as I take care of it seriously like an airsoft gun, I should be okay. I have no problem using cr123a batteries for power. Any thoughts from the experts?
so I read more into it and i found out that
so I read more into it and i found out that
lasers are not toys. and that I should be wearing eye protection at all times while the laser is 'armed'. Please link me to more educational/useful/morally_discouraging sites/threads to encourage/discourage me from this. thankswhat exactly makes it so hard to understand? Especially when people are constantly warned that these lasers are NOT toys?
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