Laser questions...


Nov 16, 2008
Hey guys ive kinda allready got a plan in mind for all the flashlights I want so I started looking at lasers. Other than the $5 red ones at the gas station I have NO experience. Id like to get a pretty powerful green laser in the $100~ or less range. Or Blu-Ray but I have NO idea what those do or what the difference is? Please give me any advice you can, thanks!!! Ohh yea I want it to be pretty pocketable but if more power means more size thats understandable!
I REALLY like the Lucent enVee 120mW but thats a little out of my price range. Id be willing to go up to $150 now that ive done a little more researching, And id also like one that I can pop balloons light matches cut through tape/plastic, etc. Basically something to make it worth paying for ;)
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.. I think you should first read a bit about safety first,
If you can get a laser that cuts through tape and plastic.. guess what else it can gut? :p

for the 100~ range, it will be hard to get something high quality, IMO,
read about IR safety from unfiltered green lasers.
Yea I spent a large amount of the night reading on IR issues and people messing up their eyes. I already know most of the safety's anyway. The main thing I was worried about was burning holes in my pocket while being carried lol. What would you say was a reasonable price range for that quality light?