The laserpointers are limited by federal law to 5 milliwatt (5/1000w) of optical output; they are all the same brightness
The reason that some Laser pointers appear brighter than others is that Laser Pointers come in a variety of colors and wavelengths, as the wavelength gets longer (deeper red) - the human eye looses sensitivity: (I have inserted the typical HeNe Laser in the table for reference)
670 nm (Very Deep Red) - Looks dim
650 nm (Deep red) - Brighter
635 nm (Red) - More Brighter
632 nm (Red) (HeNe) - More Brighter
525 nm (Green) - Very Bright
The first laser pointers were the longer wavelengths, and as technology improved - the shorter wavelengths came out.
The sensitivity of the human eye peaks at approx the Greenish-Yellow part of the spectrum, and tapers off at the edges; for some people this is worse - and others not as bad
Some insects have the ability to see further into the shorter Ultra-Violet Range