Last time you wash your car?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 16, 2004
Bay Area, CA
I used to wash my car every other week.
Detail every month and "attempt" to boost performance as much as my toy budjet can spare.

Ever since I joined CPF all that time & $$$ have been diverted.

Yesterday was the first time that I stepped back and did a 2 pass car wash for every car in my family. And another 2 hrs detailing them.

<font color="blue">It was nice. So when was the last time you guys wash your car?</font> /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

For those newbies out there, heed my warning, "logoff, turn off your computer while you still have a chance" /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/nana.gif
Huh? Why wash your car? I can understand cleaning the windshield, I do that often. I park outside so it gets washed whenever it rains hard.
Both cars TODAY.
It finally got above freezing and both were COVERED with road salt. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eeew.gif

2 Years. Damn water restrictions.......... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/Christo_pull_hair.gif
A couple years ago- I too subscribe to the natural (rain) wash. To have it washed, I have to remove all the stuff from the glove box and console or it will get stolen! Just ain't worth it!

It was sometime in May of 2004. Just a loosing battle with the dust, dirt, snow and slush. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon3.gif
May get washed in the spring, they sand the roads here.
Either when it rains or I get my oil changed at the Saturn dealer where it will be done for free. Any other attempts will be a waste of time and/or money as it will surely get salted right back up shortly.
Humm, for some, that dirt is what holds it together.

On a side note, those that drive cars in areas where they use salt, it is a good idea to get a very through undercarriage wash.
Why wash the car. A dirty car is less attractive to car thieves. And the dirt protects the paintjob by blocking the harmful effects of the sun's rays.
when i had my car i washed it every day.i loved it i kept it in a1 shape .i love to drive it was a awesume car. i still drive i may go get my licenses again
last spring... there are people around here with moss growing off their fenders, so I assume I actually wash my car often enough.
Never, owned the thing about 6yrs. Big ugly two tone green Suburban. With dents everywhere. Amazing how polite BMW, Lexus and Hummer owners are. Not once has any of them parked by me.

2003. I'm sure it was in 2003 sometime, although the month escapes me.

Why wash your car? Because some of the crap that sticks to the paint corrodes it. For example, I hear that bird droppings are really bad for as they release an acid that attacks the clearcoat.
leadfoot said:
Never, owned the thing about 6yrs. Big ugly two tone green Suburban. With dents everywhere. Amazing how polite BMW, Lexus and Hummer owners are. Not once has any of them parked by me.


[/ QUOTE ]
There is something about driving a domestic truck/SUV with "character marks" that inspires some degree of respect (fear) from luxury vehicle drives... Decide not to reward that jerk's failure to plan ahead in the other lane that was clearly marked as closed a half-mile ago? NO PROBLEM - that Infiniti driver isn't going to chance it.
I drove my beat up jeep through a low water crossing last week during the rain here. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon15.gif
I wash my truck daily, whether it needs it or not. During the summer this would also include a weekly detail with q-tip's. For my camping season I use armor all wash wipes that suppliment the lack of running water. To make it worse I carry a california dust mop and often pull into parking lots for a quick tune up of the dust and off I go again..
Clean freak? Hardly. I off road alot, I spend almost as much time trashing it as I do cleaning it..Just another one of my obsessions. Now it's wearing off on my son..