Go Go Gadget Flashlight
Free, one of our members, commissioned me to build him a "maximum DB".<BR>Well, it's done and on its way to the Free household. ;-)<BR> [image]http://wsphotofews.excite.com/030/4Q/il/i9/Mj17352.jpg[/image] <BR>37 white Nichias in a 6AA DoubleBarrel. [image]images/icons/wink.gif" border="0[/image]<P> [image]http://wsphotofews.excite.com/029/Tb/pR/eq/Uj63851.jpg[/image] <BR>No tools, no resistors, 1.5 amp current draw (40 ma each).<P> [image]http://wsphotofews.excite.com/032/mi/Xs/TS/HF50170.jpg[/image] <BR>Switch and bulb assembly is held in by the bezel. No screws.<P> [image]http://image03.webshots.com/3/2/78/24/20927824vfMIUrwQgr_ph.jpg[/image] <BR>Here's a pic from my hallway. No other light, "daylight" white balance, Kodak DC280, from 8 feet. <P>He will get it in a couple days. Until then, any questions? [image]images/icons/wink.gif" border="0[/image]