I know that LED's have a very high cool factor to them but what is the real Efficiency. Seems to me that they are very overrated because when someone thinks about LED's they think very bright last forever on one set of batteries.
They last because they don't brake but with the 500 hour LS out even that seems its going away
And with LED's so expensive it seems like
It's not worth it and when you look at fluorescent bulbs they blow LED Efficiency
Away even some incandescent bulbs are on
Par with LED's so are LED's worth it
Or is it all just hype!!!?
They last because they don't brake but with the 500 hour LS out even that seems its going away
And with LED's so expensive it seems like
It's not worth it and when you look at fluorescent bulbs they blow LED Efficiency
Away even some incandescent bulbs are on
Par with LED's so are LED's worth it
Or is it all just hype!!!?