LED equivalent to the Blast?


Oct 17, 2000
Collegeville, PA, USA
I'm a big fan of the PrincetonTec Blast. I use it just about every day and always carry one on my person.

I also carry a Photon II on my person every day, but its usefulness is hampered by its relatively tiny light output as compared to the Blast. Such is life.

I also must use the Photon II in nearly total darkness for maximum effectiveness. I can use the Blast in diffuse lighting conditions and still get a lot out of it.

Not that I'm giving up my Photon II, perish the thought, but does anyone know of an LED cousin to the Blast? I'd like a comparable LED with a somewhat similar size if I can find one.
Check out the Princeton Tech Attitude, if you haven't already done so. There's plenty of reviews on here if you use the search feature here and type in "Attitude". It's nearly the same as the blast (4 AAA, and lightweight) yet comes equiped with a 3-LED module in the head with claims of 150+ hours of light output on a single set of batteries. I like this light, but there's a bit of light backwash, through the body when the light is on. This is easy enough solved by removing the batteries and head and using a little bit of black spray paint to coat the inside (but not the battery contact points! :p) Cheers!
Way ahead of you. I actually already have one, but forgot about it. I keep it in the car for emergencies.

What I'm hoping is, they'll make an LED the SAME size as the Blast, because the Attitude is just too big to carry around in my trouser pockets.