LED Headlamps arrived, need your expert opinions


Newly Enlightened
Nov 15, 2006
I finally recieved my LED headlamps from Tanga. As I suspected there is no way they are 1 Watt Luxeon LEDs. I e-mailed Tanga and they say they were told they are and would like me to tell them how to know they are not. I did some simple runtime math for her already to show that what is advertised doesn't add up. Plus it is clearly not bright enough to be close to a Lux. Plus 3 AAA batteries could never drive 6 1 Watt lux's. I have uploaded some pictures, of the light and packging. Please take a look and tell me how I can further demonstrate why these are not Luxeon and possible insight as to what they are. I leave myself in all of your expert hands.


They are big so you can read the packaging.
Take a picture of a Luxeon LED, and put it right next to the pic of the headlamp with the 5mm LED's. Doesn't get any simpler than that (assuming they're willing to acknowledge their misconception - intentional or not).
well, this is one of the millions of examples of cheap headlamps most ppl are confident with...
the leds are normal 5mm ones, there is just no discussion on that.
green's idea of showing them a real lux sounds very good.

But there is no mentionning of whatever (real) high power led or "Luxeon" on the packaging, how come You thought it will be?
And then 6 pieces of them?
No need for the weak main bulb then.

PS: better not use a flash at these distances or at least at an angle
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That looks VERY much like a pair of LED headlamps (No incan in mine) from QVC for $20 for the pair. Simple 5mm LEDs driven by 3 AAAs in a carrier. Decent for the money (What I paid) and they went into my jump kits.

I agree with the prior post. I don't see anywhere on the packaging where it states Luxeon LEDs, so it sounds like either someone made an assumption or they were misled by whoever sold them to them.
Again, http://tanga.com/blogs/441 , they were sold as having 1W luxeon LED's. Tanga is proportedly willing to work on this as they don't want to be tagged as profiting from misinformation. But it needs to be demonstrated to them that the lights indeed don't have the 1W Luxeons they claimed it did. It's not that they wern't a pretty good deal, it's that they were selling them as having luxeons. The company is normally pretty reliable.
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Those are cheap 5mm white (well, bluish for sure) leds. No Luxeon at all.
Is there a way to easily demonstrate that to the guys selling it, as it was a one day thing they don't typically deal in flashlights so they were told they were luxes and sold them as such apparently. They are willing to work with it but they want proof that these are not luxes.
Well, Amps = Watts / Volts right? We need to know what the voltage
rating is on each LED to calculate the amp draw. Then time would be I
would guess that 3 AAA batteries could hold from 3.6 to 4.5 amps. To
calculate time we would divide the battery capacity by the amp draw.
In any event, I'd love to hear what you find out frim your flashlight

Even then, I don't know that would tell us if these are Luxeon LED's.
According to my research, the certainly look like Luxeons.

Thanks for sharing!

That was their reply to my response of math and etc. Macdude already linked to what they sold them as, I am going to go ahead and link them to this thread I guess. I knew they wouldn't be Luxeons but I couldn't say for sure until they arrived. I believe they were still a good value but not as advertised.
forget the math:
- most ppl wont understand, and/or
- run at less current and (if it were Luxeons) it still were Luxeons

--> give them a direct link to the Luxeon hp, showing photos and drawings
Dear Hashpipek,

Absolutely,they are not Luxoen's and Luxoe has no these 5mm stuff.........
I'm not sure if these are "normal" ones ,but they could't be Nichia's :) :)
If they are Nichia's ,als valued :):)

Dear Hashpipek,

Absolutely,they are not Luxoen's and Luxoe has no these 5mm stuff.........
I'm not sure if these are "normal" ones ,but they could't be Nichia's :) :)
If they are Nichia's ,als valued :):)
Link them to the Luxeon's for the solutions

Of course there's not a single Luxeon LED inside. This is a cheap yet rather good quality Chinese headlamp. There's also a 7-LED version of this same headlamp and that is the best one. About 2 years ago when they weren't as wide-spread as now, I sold about 200 of these on the local market for 8EUR/9USD. About your headlamp, I don't know which 5mm LEDs they put into it, but back then I got some quality guarantees which I tested myself to be sure it was good quality :)
It seems to be of good quality and the price was fair, I would just like them to admit they mis-advertised so I can trust them in the future. I was expecting to get what I got so i am not feeling ripped off. Thanks again for the input everyone.
There isn't enough room for the required heatsinking in that headlamp - those 5mm LEDs are spaced way too close together for them to be Luxeons.