LED Knife for 51 CENTS???



How can this be? The postage alone is more than that:



But then...there's only one! For 51¢???!!!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MR Bulk™:
But then...there's only one! For 51¢???!!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

...And then there were none...
I might be broke, but I can come up with $2 easily enough. Perfect little knife for slashing mail open while sitting on the can at 2am when the bathroom bulb burns out.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The LED Museum:
I'm surprised nobody else had bid on the thing. It had been there for a day or two at least. For 51 cents, I honestly don't expect it to be very good, but would do fine for slashing open mail and packages without wasting the good knife on them.

Yeah, that little knife alone has gotta be worth the $2 bucks, not even mentioning the handy red LED light...
I saw another one for sale on e-ay...auction ends on the 26th as I recall.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Roy:
I saw another one for sale on e-ay...auction ends on the 26th as I recall.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

And you can "buy it now" for just 51 cents.
These are actually quite nice little knives- I've been carrying one on my keychain for about 4 years, using it for all kinds of cutting, scraping and fingernail cleaning.

A few "licks" with a diamond sharpener bring back a shaving sharp edge.

I've been selling them from one of my web-shops for a heck of a lot more than this. (I paid five dollars each for them wholesale four years ago.)

You got a good deal!
Then congratulations are in order for winning this hotly contested auction! (hee hee)
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MR Bulk™:
Then congratulations are in order for winning this hotly contested auction! (hee hee)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I'm surprised nobody else had bid on the thing. It had been there for a day or two at least. For 51 cents, I honestly don't expect it to be very good, but would do fine for slashing open mail and packages without wasting the good knife on them.
I just got them (yes, them), so I actually paid 20.5 cents apiece for them.
Somebody must be taking a beating on these to sell for that low and to double up my order to boot.

Postage was reasonable too ($1.49 charged, actual cost $1.03 plus they came in a padded envelope easily worth the other 46 cents), so I didn't get ripped off there either.

Imagine that. Not all that bad little light-up knives for less than the cost of an envelope, even less than the cost of a letter stamp.

Well, I'd better go leave the guy some nice feedback. I'll shoot off a couple of pictures later. Heck of a deal here.

(Edit) Done, and done. Pics taken, to be uploade later. The knives have locking blades, and they use a 3mm red LED and a single CR2032 lithium cell. The cell can be changed easily, though you do have to pay attention to what you're doing when you put it back together. The switching mechanism is simple enough: properly-cut LED leads, a plastic button, and a spring. The spring & button arrangement pushes the battery against the LED, rather than the other way around.

The blade is labelled "STAINLESS CHINA". Maybe not the best stuff around, but it is stainless steel and should be resharpenable as needed. A small projection screwed to the blade acts as a thumb opener (there's probably a name for that, but I don't know what it is) so you can open the knife with one hand. The blade lock appears to be sturdy and secure, functionally identical to the Kershaw 1600. When open, blade wobble is nonexistant if the brass pivot screws are secure. What more can you ask from a 20 cent knife?!?
Here are a few pics of my new 20 cent knife-lites. :)




These are the same pics that will end up on my website, that's why #2 is a much smaller size than the others. The beam picture won't be ready until after dark.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MR Bulk™:
Craig, didja get my latest e-mail? Let me know!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I'm working my way there right now. I have about a day's worth (~150 messages) still backed up from the last time my computer crapped out, and I just pissed away the whole morning & afternoon today waiting for Fed Ex to re-deliver something I missed yesterday and the day before. Since our building's doorbell/intercom system is shot, they automatically think you aren't home even if you are because the damn "Aiphone" things in the apartments don't ring anymore. The only choice left is to wait outside for them to show up, which I did. For five hours.

Hang in there, I'll find that mail.

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