Led Lenser H7 or this similar one Turbo HT3 LED?

I have used knockoff H7 headlamps, although not under the "turbo ht3" name like the one you've linked. The electronics were of far poorer quality than the name brand model, but the diode is newer (my knockoff was noticeably brighter than the LEDLenser I compared it to). I had one last me an entire summer, but the switch died after about five months of regular use. Reliability is sacrificed for low cost.
At 40 bucks, the H7, and the HL7 are my favorite headlights. Wish the batteries were AA instead of AAA, but such is life. The hl7 is heavier made than the h7, and the beam on the hl7 is more refined. I personally don't care about the refined beam. I just want lots of light when I need it. I also use a knockoff from deal extreme. It only 13 bucks I think. But it did the job pretty well. I didn't care about the strobe feature when I went to turn it off, but it was surely worth the bucks. I'm not familiar with the turbo ht3, but it looks very similar to the h7. You'll probably do okay with either light.
