LED Logic Striker-VG upgrade


Jan 13, 2007
Just above DC
I'm installing an SSC LED in my Striker, but I did something typical of me. I forgot which wire was connected to the + terminal on the star. This is not one of my finer moments, I grant you. Nevertheless, I've got a blue wire and a white wire, and no idea what to do with them. Can anyone tell me which wire is which? thanks CPF.
I no longer have my Striker, but I'm pretty sure that the blue wire is +. Don't rely on my recollection, borrow a voltmeter from someone to make sure.
Hey winston, how did your upgrade turn out? I've been searching for info on how to mod these lights, but other than the early '07 battery junction models, there isn't much info at all.

I think that I also read that these models were discontinued, anyone know anything else about them? Mine is S#...130; I've seen numbers near 400. Does anyone know roughly how many pieces were sold or how high the S# went?

I'm planning to upgrade my striker as soon as the parts come in...but so far, DX is still says my order is pending/Waiting for Supplier. I'm expecting to just desolder and resolder the new star...a plain emitter swap may have been the easier route, but I had reservations about centering it on the original star.

One of my main questions is just a curiousity: does anyone know what mA stock led is running at? Is there a way to modify the output without loosing the strobe and dimming functions? If no one remembers the output numbers, can someone tell me how to measure it? Can it be done with a multimeter?

This will be my first mod, so any info or pointers would be helpful and appreciated.
