This is a great board you folks have here. I wonder if I can trouble you all for an expert opinion regarding a project I have been wanting to attempt. This may sound crazy so please, bear with me.
I have a 1996 Ford Thunderbird and it has LEDs for the rear deck-lid mounted running lights from the factory. I would like to either replace them with a LED that is capable of running continuously at one level of brightness but can brighten up to act as a turn signal in what I hope will become sequential turn signals or modify the factory originals to do the same. I do realize that other electronics will be necessary to complete the effect I am striving for and am open to suggestions on that as well.
I have acquired two spare tail lamp assemblies and will be dissecting one to experiment with. The other I hope to save as a working model for the modification technique.
What I really need to know is, what type of LED do I need to use for this? I'm not sure just how bright they would need to be but, they would need to match the brightness of the modern equivalent of a regular incandescent brake/turn signal bulb.
I sincerely appreciate any help anyone here can offer.
This is a great board you folks have here. I wonder if I can trouble you all for an expert opinion regarding a project I have been wanting to attempt. This may sound crazy so please, bear with me.
I have a 1996 Ford Thunderbird and it has LEDs for the rear deck-lid mounted running lights from the factory. I would like to either replace them with a LED that is capable of running continuously at one level of brightness but can brighten up to act as a turn signal in what I hope will become sequential turn signals or modify the factory originals to do the same. I do realize that other electronics will be necessary to complete the effect I am striving for and am open to suggestions on that as well.
I have acquired two spare tail lamp assemblies and will be dissecting one to experiment with. The other I hope to save as a working model for the modification technique.
What I really need to know is, what type of LED do I need to use for this? I'm not sure just how bright they would need to be but, they would need to match the brightness of the modern equivalent of a regular incandescent brake/turn signal bulb.
I sincerely appreciate any help anyone here can offer.
