Regardless as whether you use HID or LED lamps, be certain to use the whole battery pack voltage to drive the lights, useing a suitable DC to DC converter if needed.
When a number of batteries are used in series, it is important to draw the same current from all batteries.
In your case with 8 batteries each of 6 volts, you have 48 volts available, it would be most unwise to obtain 12 volts from just two of the batteries.
So doing will result in some batteries being discharged more than others, when the batteries are then recharged, all in series, some while be overcharged and others wont fully charge.
This will drasticly reduce battery life.
Either use a DC to DC converter to obtain 12 volts from 48, or obtain 48 volt lights which may be a challenge.
Alternativly you may be able to obtain HID lights for 24 volts, in this case connect one lamp accross half the battery, and the other lamp accross the other half, this will ensure equal discharge of all the batteries.
Larger electric vehicles often have a dedicted 12 volt auxilary battery for lighting etc, charged from the main battery by a DC to DC converter, this is probably a bit OTT for a golf cart though.
Remember that golf cart batteries can supply hundreds, possibly thousands of amps if shorted, correctly rated fuses are essiential to avoid risk of fire.