led used as a flash for a camera....


Aug 21, 2001
Berkeley, CA
Check out http://www3.sprint.com/PR/CDA/PR_CDA_Press_Releases_Detail/0,3245,1111384,00.html

This press release discusses Sanyo's newest cell phone (has a built-in digital camera). The camera uses a "high-luminance led" for the flash (best at 2-3 feet).

Despite the 2-3 feet, it's still got to be a pretty bright led! I wonder if it's a luxeon.... (I'm thinking in dark conditions, a little bit of light from the led would help, in conjunction with increasing the exposure time, etc...)
This might be the perfect application for somethine like a 5W Luxeon...Tell me, how many flashes, even at a rediculously long flash time like .5 seconds, would it take to get up to that 500 life?
Nikon now makes a "ring light" for the CoolPix series of digital cameras that uses LEDs.

Previously ring lights were of the "flash" variety. I don't think the new unit "flashes". The lights just come on and you take the picture.

Maybe this "flash" is like that?
I think that SCP-5300 are the almost same cellular phone as C3015SA.
It was put on the market in Japan at the end of September.

When spec. is seen, SCP-5300 have the more good performance of a camera.(C3015SA>>110000Pixl,SCP-5300>>350000Pixl)
Here is some photographs.

The square portion beside a round camera is a flash.
I own C3015SA. Please tell me, when the photograph which approached more is required. I can take a photograph, after going home.
