Ledcorp LS


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 28, 2000
Does anyone know yet if the 2 cell LS bulb has a step up in it?
I think I read somewhere that they just hand-select the LEDs with the lowest voltage to go in the 2-cell bulbs. As I`m sure you know, there`s a wide variation in voltage drop for the LS`s at their rated current, some will draw 350mA on as low as 2.5 volts, so those ones would light very brightly on just 2 cells.

Yep, that's right. I've been talking to John at Ledcorp for a while now...

He said the LS led's that go into the 3V "pro" bulbs actually have a Vf really close to 3V...sometimes less...like 2.95, etc. Some of them have resistors, but lately, he said he's been building the 3V bulbs w/o resistors....so their more efficient.

I just got a 3-cell (4.5V) LS pro bulb and boy is it bright! I nearly blinded myself! Now I know what you guys are talking about! and what the potential of these things really is....(I'm running it off of 4 nimh AA's, so the voltage is a bit higher than 4.5V, but it should be fine b/c the bulb has a resistor built in...right?)

I also bought a LS bulb w/ optics from him w/ a Vf of 2.95. Now I have to figure out what I want to do with it! Maybe make a small flashlight running off a single CR123?
Have any of you tried one of those bulbs in a Princeton Tec (20 or 40)? 4 NiMH batteries in a Tec 40 with one of those 4.5V bulbs sounds appealing to me, but I don't want to dump 40 bucks if it doesn't work well.
Actually, that is exactly what I'm doing! I must say, the 4.5V LS Probulb with 4 nimh in my Princeton Tec 40 is very very bright...however...I would say the beam on the LS led is best when used with the optics. The reflector on the Princeton Tec 40 doesn't work so well to focus the light into a spot. With the normal halogen bulb, the PT-40 has a really nice, tightly focused beam. The LS bulb gives turns this light into more of a diffuse, area light. I'm going to try including the optics...but this may require more modification that I'd like to do to my PT-40...
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by roger:
The reflector on the Princeton Tec 40 doesn't work so well to focus the light into a spot. With the normal halogen bulb, the PT-40 has a really nice, tightly focused beam. The LS bulb gives turns this light into more of a diffuse, area light.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Depending on which way the LS bulb is out of focus, you might try using spacer rings, like the kind that used to come with Magnum Star bulbs sold for the Mag Lite.
At least you should have a 50% chance of that working. If the light is out of focus because the business end of the bulb is too high up inside the reflector, the rings will work.
But not if it's too low in the reflector, as the rings will make it sit even lower.
The Probulb in the Turtlelite II had the bulb to high in the reflector.

Today I finally have received two LEDCORP PRO. One Two cell an the other Three cell. I have tried them on my 3D Mag, and the light output was impresive in the 3v bulb, I think almost even more than using the standard incandescent bulb , although a little bit violet. This trial have last just a few seconds because I was afraid of frying a 39$ bulb. My question is why is so underdriven the 4,5 v model, and what about using the 3v model with three NiCd? I think it could be a great "rechargeable" flashlight.
Hi Barbarin, have you had a chance to try the 3 volt one in a two cell Mag? I wonder how it would compare to the three cell one.

Jeeees...be carefull, like you said, it`s an expensive bulb and to run it higher than three volts...well the heat build up could turn into an expensive goop ball.
Well, I have tried the 3v bulb on my 3D Mag, charged with NiCd...Not a good idea, the first two or three seconds it is incredible bright, but after that it becomes bluish and dimmer, so I have decided to stop testing.
I do not have a 2D mag, but I can try using a dummi battery. I will post the results
Done. Well, it is surprising, but the LS in my Mag 3D works nearly as bright when charged with 3 NiCd than with 3 alkalines. My next test will be 4 NiCd against 3 alkalines. The difference is just 0,3 V,and I hope brighter but not bluish. The increasing is 6,7%, and I think it is not too much. When I did the test using 3 NiCd vs 2 Alkalines the increase was 20%, and it was no good idea, as the 3V Ledcorp Pro became very bluish and hot after 3 secs.