LED's and different battery voltages


Nov 29, 2004
Ontario, Can
LED\'s and different battery voltages

not sure if this is in the right place so please move it if its not.

my question..

is it bad to use differnt batteries with differnt voltages in led lights.

example useing 2 primary 123's for a while then useing pila 168s for a while and then back and forth.

should i just stick to one type with each light or is it ok to interchange?

thanks in advance
Re: LED\'s and different battery voltages

As long as you are not exceding the voltage rating of the LED and/or converter, I would not hesitate to use either battery type. The converter should draw different current levels depending on the voltage from the cell(s), but the LED should see the same current regarless. In the case of something like the KL4, I have used either one, depending of what body size I want to use: 1xRC123, 1x17650, 2xCR123, 1x150s, 1x168s - they all work great in my particular KL4.

Re: LED\'s and different battery voltages

interchange OK, mix bad.
agrees with Wquiles.
a good flashlight, should be able to handle (at least) re and non re-chargables of some sort..