LED's getting worse


Newly Enlightened
Jun 21, 2001
LED\'s getting worse

It seems to me that LED's are almost becoming as bright as regular flashlight
but to do this there getting bigger less runtimes and more expensive, so what's so good about them because to get the same brightness as a xenon bulb they have to have more LED's and almost the same rum time so why would it be worth it to buy one
Re: LED\'s getting worse


How many bulbs do you know of that have a life of the 50,000 - 100,000 hours of an LED? I don't know of any.

Best Regards,
Re: LED\'s getting worse

Chas has a good point. And not only do LEDs have far superior lifetimes, they are also.....

-virtually immune to shocks and vibrations

-pure, unfiltered colours that will not fade with age and don`t yellow out as the batteries fail

-getting more efficient every day- it won`t be too long before LEDs beat the efficiency of flourescent lighting

-compact and cool running, no hot burning high pressure bulbs that can blow up and ruin your reflector and lens

-more efficient at lower powers so your light will stay glowing longer towards the end of the battery life if you need it in an emergency

And not to forget they score highly on the Neato Factor!

You may not be too impressed right now but the technology is moving very fast, incandescent lights better watch out, their days are numbered....

Re: LED\'s getting worse

Chris - Forget all those technical points. We all know it's the "Neato Factor" that drives us!

It's hard being an early adopter, but someone's gotta do it.
Re: LED\'s getting worse

Forget all those technical points. We all know it's the "Neato Factor" that drives us!

True. Very true......

Re: LED\'s getting worse

And, as these new LEDs come out (Luxeon), the older ones (Nichia's) will get cheaper.

I envision the ultimate in LED usage is when you can buy them in 2' x 2', 100 LED panels for ceiling lighting. Infinitely dimmable, white, longlasting. I can't wait!