Lending out flashlights


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 10, 2000
My friends know I have way too many flashlights, so they come to me if they have a special need. Last weekend my friend asks for flashlights for his son's birthday party. I present him with three Costco 2AA Luxeons. He looks at them and says that he (and most other normal people) would have bought only one and used it until it died before getting a second. I then explained that I've bought at least eight of them and given all but three away. Ah, the differences between flashaholics and normal people. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
I am working up to the point I can afford extra ammo to smother non flashaholics with cheap cool lights so they have to either admit they got flashlights on their mind at times also or have to hide the fact when they find themselves in the dark that light that everyone around them says.. hey that is a cool light.... they have to either not smile or be the flashaholic for that instant in time.
Mom has asked me for the second or third time since I gave her a Nuwai AT-100 for the holidays when she'll have to change the bulbs. "Not ever!?".

dim said:
Mom has asked me for the second or third time since I gave her a Nuwai AT-100 for the holidays when she'll have to change the bulbs. "Not ever!?".


[/ QUOTE ]

Hahaha, that is hillarious. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/yellowlaugh.gif
Tell her she has to change the bulbs when they burn out in the lamps in the living room and the light in the kitchen and the bathroom and you will never have to change a lightbulb ever again...
I no longer lend out Flashlights or tools,
if they realy need one I prefer to buy them one
as a present.
I purchased some of the Quest lights from ****'s Sporting Goods and put some of the uncut MJLED's in them. I think it came out to about $6 per light. I pass them out while camping and have given a few away as gifts. Non-flashaholics love them and for $6 I could care less if they lose/abuse them. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif
Torchboy, can I "borrow" a table saw from you? LOL /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
My mom does the exact same thing with a MiniMag+sammie I gave her. I still haven't convinced her that the "bulb" won't burn.
i guess you never got that arc back from your friend huh?

I keep a few stock minim*gs just to lend out to people who need flashlights. also have 1 minim*g with a terralux ministar 2 that I lend out. I wouldn't lend out anything else. Some people can't appriciate good flashlights and I'm just afraid of them breaking or loosing them.

I edc my L4 on my belt and peak 3 led AAA around my neck. Sometimes someone will ask me to borrow a flashlight to go to the port o pottie with. I just tell them I don't have one. Theres no way in hell I will let anyone use my L4 to go to the port o pottie with at night. Infact I don't let anyone touch my L4. I love it too much.

BentheadTX lent some girl his flashlight to go to the port o pottie with and she dropped it in there!
People at work always make fun of because of all the flashlights I own. But whenever they need a light they ask me. Most of the time I say, "I left my flashlights at home" or I tell them my batteries are dead. I even tell them I am not the "tool crib", I bought the lights for me, not you. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

The ones who appreciate my lights, I let them borrow them.
You need to put a bunch of cheap lights in a briefcase and when they ask... whip it open and say... this one is $9.95 and comes in blue,red,silver.... This one is $299.00 and has a lux5 hand picked and comes with a leather holster with an extra lithium cell and charger... and then they will have to say..... umm I need to BORROW a light..... to which you say.. does it look like I am in the light loaning business?
It gets worse ob1,
The girl I lent the Dorcy AAA to that dropped it down the porta-potty... I also lent her the Arc AAA-P. Yep, she last that one too but only after 3 months. She lost it a few weeks before we left Iraq so just used the minimag she brought with her. She is still crushed that she lost the Arc! I told her not to worry about it, it served it's purpose and kept an Intesive Care Tech alive and able to keep other people alive.

The Arc AA is still missing in action. A friend of mine I had in Iraq is visiting me tomorrow for the weekend; I told him to get that Arc AA! The Chief that borrowed it loves the Arc AA...called it the perfect low-light flashlight that runs forever (I handed it over with a fresh lithium AA) I don't expect it back although it would be nice to have back. A Peak Kilamanjaro 5 snow LED brass has taken it's place so no worries. Just want to have it to lend out the next time I go to the desert.

The good thing about those missing small lights, I have an excuse to get the Proton Photon when it comes available. My wife likes the brass Peak and it is in her purse. Now I am heading to Turkey in a few weeks and it makes me feel better knowing she has a light with her at all times.

Does anyone get to borrow my minimag BB500 R2H, 2D Mag madmax+ R2H or nFlex WX1S Mag? NO! I never lend things out that I can't afford to never get back.
I get the same thing at work, people always want to borrow flashlights, so I give them this one. Now I dont have to replace the batteries "THEY" use on my flashlight /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/yellowlaugh.gif


I dont care if they keep it... I paid $6 at a truck stop /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crackup.gif

I'll lone out crap lights to people (the lights that I don't care get lost or knicked up). I do NOT lone out Surefires or other top notch lights, simply because most people don't take proper care of other's valuables.
While I bought fairly nice LED lithium flashlights for my wife and stepson, I wouldn't let them within a mile of one of my SureFires 'cause I know I'd be sorry. I mean, I love them both dearly, but they rarely know the value of things and often don't realize how much a few of my possessions mean to me. That's why I also lock my tools up nice and tight.

On the other hand, my best friend could borrow any of my good lights for months and I would be OK with it. He's as much of a gear head as I am and appreciates technoid fun stuff. It's that appreciation that makes the difference.