As some of you may be aware, I scoff on the toilet "flush per gallon" Gestapo, thoroughly enjoying my 7.5 gallon per flush old school models...and nice, full pressure hot showers until my 50 gallon hot water heater is running out.
Now I read today that some sort of World Toilet Organization, with a self declared "World Toilet Day"--which in and of itself is an extremely bizarre concept--is calling for the end of water flushing toilets as something "unsustainable."
We obviously need a 28th Ammendment to the United States Constitution:
"From my cold, dead cheeks! "
Now I read today that some sort of World Toilet Organization, with a self declared "World Toilet Day"--which in and of itself is an extremely bizarre concept--is calling for the end of water flushing toilets as something "unsustainable."
We obviously need a 28th Ammendment to the United States Constitution:
Well regulated Bowels, being necessary to the tranquility of a free People, the right of the people to keep and bare 'Cheeks,' upon a commode of their own desires shall not be infringed.
"From my cold, dead cheeks! "