Let's be honest here........


Mar 3, 2005
Nashville, TN
Let\'s be honest here........

The fact is flashlight "nuts" and I say that with the utmost respect and love, tend to get hung up on lumens or candlepower or whatever just like gun nuts get hung up on caliber. The fact is will the light do what you personally need it to do when you need it to do it. That being said the great majority of us only need 15-30 "lumens" of light to get the job done.

So for those folks who are researching and looking for a good all around flashlight try not to get hung up on the brightest rating. 60+ lumens is great for tactical situtations where you want to stun/blind an armed assailent but how often does that happen, hopefully not often for most of us schmucks. So anyway what I am getting at is if you are looking at a good all around flashlight don't get hung up looking for the brightest, most expensive thing known. Try to ask question and a get a feel for how the light will work for your personal situation.

For example a Sure L1 only puts out like .7 of a lumen or something really low on the lowest setting but really is useful for most of the everyday tasks you or I will do and the full 15-20 lumens is downright focused and bright.

So my two cents is don't get hung up on the cost, output numbers etc. Take the time to figure out what would work for you not what would work for Seal Team X.

My two cents.

Now that being said us "X Nuts" where X is a flashlight, stereo, gun etc. have at it. We tend to want specific things with the reason being no more than it is apparently the best for X situation. I am a .45 caliber gun guy and I can give you a bunch of reasons why but the fact is, as far as guns are as concerned you do your part the gun will do it's part. So as far as flashlights are concerned there are two types of folks. Enthusiests and people who just want a good flashlight. The latter shouldn't get too caught up int the hype as there are a lot of very good flashlights for the money.

Re: Let\'s be honest here........

Honesty is highly overrated.
I want it as bright as I can get it! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
Re: Let\'s be honest here........

i want it to shine very very far.i still play with my lights daily.just got shineing my lionheart thru this weird glass thing my dads has on his desk it has like a scoroion etched out in it looked so cool with my lionheart shineing thri it
Re: Let\'s be honest here........

To me, my L4 with a McE2S tailcap is perfect for almost all of my usage.

I use the low setting for 95% or more of the time. As for the other times, I like knowing I can kick it into a higher gear should I need or want.

Of course I am as impressed by high out put and long throw as anyone. But for my best and favorite light, nothing tops my two stage L4.
Re: Let\'s be honest here........

Very true,
However, it depends on what you are using your light for... I use a minimag running an R2H Luxeon at 500mA with NiMH rechargables. One sits on my helmet as a light so I can see while bike riding at night (Good to 17 MPH or 27 KPH) The spare one is my EDC which I use to view the insides of medical equipment etc.
Granted, a 30 lumen light is enough... the Streamlight Luxeon Jr. gives the right amount at $30. The guys at work use those and borrow my 50+ lumen minimag on occasion due to the narrower beam and longer throw the Fraen LP optics provide. Not very often but it is available.
The big guns (R2H driven at 800+ mA with a narrow beam through the Mag 2D reflector) and upcoming 8AA in a 2D Mag pushing a Luxeon V at 4.4 watts and 170 lumens is for a frame light mounted to my bicycle. I can take it off, adjust the regulator down for a few lumens to 170 lumens in 8 steps. It will run for a looooong time on the lower settings.
Maybe I am weird, but my use of high output LED lights as bicycle lights work well and the color is much more noticable to cars than incandescent. Maybe it is the recumbent I am riding, the rear 10 LED flasher or that the helmet light moves around that catches the drivers eyes. Not sure, but it works for me!
Re: Let\'s be honest here........

Used the Aleph 3 on high (DB917) to locate the "dog" in the backyard. Used the LionH on a very low setting to adjust "pot" on coffee machine. Will use a very low power light (maybe TnC AA 200ma or Aleph2 on low (NG500) to navigate for my "middle of night" trip (yes, I'm old!!).

Different outputs for different tasks!

Re: Let\'s be honest here........

On CPF, there's a recurrant expression: "buy both!": I have 2 1911's, loaded with original Black talon in 8-round mags. (Abt time to pull the bullets and reload them over fresh primers and powder) and 2 SF M6's. Kinda covers my home. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif Do I EDC them?- not in this state! Walking around the the house after lights-out, an Arc AAA (or equiv) more than covers it! If I ever need to really light things up, I have a USL on order! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif (All in fun!)

Re: Let\'s be honest here........

The first step in recovery is being able to admit you have a problem.

The second step is searching for a flashlight better then the one you have.

My EDC for the last few weeks has been the Surefire L1 and it has been a perfect light for me.

Even after finding what I now think is the perfect light I still find myself coming back to CPF and searching for something different.

I don't even know what the heck I'm looking for, but I search and search.

Not a problem for me. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Let\'s be honest here........

I agree that for lights that you actually USE there needs to could certainly be a different measurement. I think in terms of 3 conditions- "not enough", "plenty", and "too much". For most of my actual use I have decided that I need a Pelican M6 LED. I think a Mag85 would probably be too much for this. For my other uses something less is OK, like the QIII or the Infinity.

One of these days just for fun I'm going to take a souped-up mag out to a jobsite and pretend it's a normal mag, just to see how it works and how many people notice a difference.

Now for lights that we like to just play with, I don't see any harm in wanting more output and in comparing lights on this basis.
Re: Let\'s be honest here........

If your goal is not to step on the hermit crabs when you are walking barefoot after sundown along the beach on Tomia Island, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia then an Infinity Ultra is all the light you need. Moreover, it's powered the ubiquitous AA cell, which you can find in more remote parts of the world. It's the proper tool for the task.

If you want a photon cannon that can light up a Las Vegas parking lot just because it's fun, that's okay too.
Re: Let\'s be honest here........

I have a .308 that is just fine for pretty much every big game animal in North America. I still went out and bought a model 94 .30-.30 why? Cause it's a bitchen gun! And now I am considering a levergun in .45-70, why? Cause it's a bitchen big bore levergun that if I really want, I can take big game in Africa with, will I ever get to Africa? Probably not, but I will know I am prepared if I do and they are all fun to shoot. I use my Pelican M6 most but I also have a Thor 10 million CP, is it practical? No But I love it and still want more!! I can't wait for the future, I like to think there will be lights the size of a 3D M@gs that are kickin out 1000 plus lumens that throw a spot a half mile.

Re: Let\'s be honest here........

I'm not into the "gotta have the most powerful light or gun on the block". I'm happy with low to medium powered lights (my most high lumen rated light as a TSP--low end of medium power). My most powerful rifle is a .30-30 (low to middle in power). That is just me though, and everyone sees things different.
Re: Let\'s be honest here........

15~30 lumens may satisfy a majority of the people but then theres this minority of people known as candlepowerforum members.

Re: Let\'s be honest here........

xpitxbullx said:
15~30 lumens may satisfy a majority of the people but then theres this minority of people known as candlepowerforum members.


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LoL, I guess that's the difference between 'want' and 'need'. No truer statement is the our 'want', oftentimes, overpowering our 'need'--but hey, that's why we have 'flashaholic' under our avitars. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif

I guess at the rate our technology is advancing(both battery and bulb/LED), maybe we will all end up buying high lumens lights as low lumens lights would slowly become outdated, especially for the LED lights.

I won't be too surprised to find smiles on our faces, if say, 10-15 years down the line, someone look back at these posts and find us having this discussion about current lumen ratings. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Re: Let\'s be honest here........

That was well said Cslinger.
I am a .45 caliber gun guy and I can give you a bunch of reasons why but the fact is, as far as guns are as concerned you do your part the gun will do it's part.

[/ QUOTE ]
As for handguns, I happen to be a .45 ACP kinda guy too. Got a coupla them (incl a stock series 70 Govt issue and a hard nickel custom race gun, among others). I'm a hunter first though, and my "main" rifle is an old Rem M 700 in .280--which I dearly love. Basically, you're right, a .45 and the .280 is all I really need...

...except that sometimes I need the .300 WinMag that I have (Elk gun), and sometimes I need the .223 I got (varmints and such), and other times the .243 is just wonderfully suited for the job (smaller deer and antelope) and my old Marlin 45-70 works great on those tough wild boars in the brush.....Sheesh, it's a good thing I only discovered that there was such a variety of high end flashlights recently--uuuh..no wait...on second thought...maybe it's not a such a good thing at all... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Re: Let\'s be honest here........

As a flashlight addict (aren't we all?)I know I have a problem and I try to limit feeding the problem, but, it's always at the back of my mind urging me to find more powerful and useful lights. I kid myself that I've got this problem under control but then another light comes out and I start thinking that that sounds cool and I could really use that! Before I know it I've made a case to buy it. When I look at my existing (and growing collection) I felt that way about all of them!

Sheesh, I gotta get help!!

Doug /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Re: Let\'s be honest here........

Yes my L1 does it 'most' of the time, but for the other times i really need either a smaller sized bright light, like a modded 2c, or something super bright, thats when i reach for a spotlight. I think out needs can be broken down to:
1. EDC light - either a 3 lumen or 30 lumen beam
2. Bright light - something in the 150-250 lumen range
3. Spotlight - something to find the dog with
Re: Let\'s be honest here........

As George Patton once said Americans love a winner. By that I mean we have a history of wanting things bigger, faster, more exciting,etc. SUV'S, drive up fast food, bigger and badder roller coasters. I can't speak for the rest of the world( or even the USA), but we are a nation of consumers who love our toys. It is a free country so if you want to buy a $400.00 M6 Surefire go for it! It is YOUR money and spend it guilt free.
Re: Let\'s be honest here........

I live in the city, so I do appreciate the extra lumens to cut through the ambient light. There have been situations where I have been extremely grateful to have my X-bin U2 on full power (130-150 effective lumens).

My first serious LED light was an E1e+KL1, approximately 30 effective lumens - forget what they say about 15 lumens, mine was probably one of the latest 3rd-gen ones with R-bin Luxeons. It did the job adequately but always felt like there was something missing.

As for balancing power output and runtime, that's what variable output lights are for. The ability to dial in just the amount of power you need.

If you are an average user, well.. not so sure why you need to be reading CPF. I know some folks who are very happy with the 25 lumen MN02 Surefire lamp whereas I am thinking "25 lumens? That is just so lame.." no, they do not read CPF, but they get their lights thru me. And no, I don't oversell the benefits of the ultra high power lights - how else would they end up with the MN02 otherwise /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Let\'s be honest here........

cslinger said:
The fact is flashlight "nuts" and I say that with the utmost respect and love, tend to get hung up on lumens or candlepower or whatever just like gun nuts get hung up on caliber. The fact is will the light do what you personally need it to do when you need it to do it. That being said the great majority of us only need 15-30 "lumens" of light to get the job done.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, for a city boy, and the majority of indoor uses, thats probably fine.

For those who spend time outdoors, a 5,000 lumen flashlight like the Thor (stock doesn't put out this level) is a really handy tool.

Spending time doing your research, to get the most bang for the buck, and something built that best suits your needs, as well as quality construction so it will last, and various other factors.

That said, a person can often improve, or even build their own flashlight that is better than what you can buy, as well as save a very considerable wad of cash. If you have access to a lathe, and skilled in electronics, you can easily build a LionHeart equivalent or a SureFire equivalent for well under 40 dollars. Others choose to go the mod route, an for under 20 dollars it is easy to mod a MagLite. Or you can buy the ecan and converter, and just simply put the pieces together and slip them into your MagLite. It's pretty easy to get to 60 lumens off an LED these days. Which gets you into doing things like using converters, special switches, controls, which allow you to dim or control the output level.

Personally, I don't find 60 lumens very stunning. However, one software guy at work who looked into the reflector of one of my modified Thor's while holding it and turning it on himself, was on the receiving end of +5,000 lumens of a 3X output mod. The way he reacted, yanking his head back and stepping back, almost hitting the wall, then the blank look and arm waving...thats what I'd call stunned...

Then you can get into things like efficiency, which reduce the heating, prolong the runtime, etc. which additionally results in a person saving money in batteries.

And the list goes on and on.