Li-Ion: mAh Vs. lifespan/quality???

there is a point in 2400s, due to slightly more capacity, but the 2600s not much more capacity (cause they dont even have 200more than 2400s), price vrses capacity the 2000s are great, and the 2400s are great when you just need MORE.
there is also a big point in not having them make a pack with them cheap cells too, when it comes to longevity and reliability, in fact i would rather have 2000ma LG cells than some 2400ma knockoffs
there is a bigger point in getting balancing taps, when it comes to longevity.
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You would have more peace of mind using known high quality LG cells like these ones rather than those unbranded generic cells.

I think it's worth paying a few extra dollars for cells from a highly respected manufacturer who extensively tests their products and publishes data sheets for them. Even more so if your using multiple cells in series like you intend to.

The company at that link can easily make you a custom pack with those cells. It's worth looking in to.

Call me paranoid if you want but am I the only person who has noticed that it's very easy for some unsuspecting consumers to mistake so called "LC" cells with the real deal "LG" cells?
LC and LG just looks so darn similar at a glance.
Hello Gunnar,

I would be tempted to go with the 2600 mAh cells because they are newer. Li-Ion cells have a limited calender life, but we are not sure just what the life is.

BatterySpace used to offer LG cells, which are high quality, but now they simply state that cells from China are not reliable and they are using cells from Korea. You have to call them to find out the manufacturer.

Of course, you could split the difference and go with 2400 mAh cells...
