List of regulated LED flashlights?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 7, 2001
A very dark world.
Aside from the PAL and Eternalight models; does anyone know of other production LED lights that are regulated? Am particularily interested in something fairly bright, even if it's also fairly big.
Other than the Arcs, Free light and Oplec I can not think of any others...some mods of course...

Add the Brinkmann Long Life to the list. Due to the fact the the Brinkmann Rebel's light end looks just lilke the Long Life, I would venture a quess that the Rebel is also regulated (DC-DC circuit).
I don't believe the Pal is regulated. Some LED lights offer voltage converters of sorts but they're not regulated.
The Eternalights, Pals and Brinkmanns are not regulated. Brinkmann uses a DC stepup whatnot to boost power but from all the info I`ve seen on them (short of actually testing one myself as they are impossible to get overseas) the output is proportional to the input, aka batteries.

Part-regulated: Arc AAA and LS.
Fully regulated: Opalec NewBeam, FreeLight, PT Matrix head lamp (I think) and anyone remember the unobtainable HDS Action Lite? I guess the Technology-Associates Versalux module sort-of counts as it is commercially avaliable and can be made into a flashlight. And though it`s not an LED light, there is that Easter-Seals Headlite-III incandescent head lamp using the Willie Hunt regulator circuit.

SureFire`s new LED offerings will be flat-regulated too, but when we`ll see those- who can tell?

And aside from the various homebrew lights (which don`t really count here) that`s all I can think of.

I have a homebuilt LED flashlight and would like to make it regulated. Anyone have a schematic to show how to build one. thanks.
Can you enlighten us with (brief) working definations of "fully regulated", "partly regulated", "flat regulated" etc. ?
It would be a real help for those of us still trying to get the basics.
While we're on this subject, (and forgive me if I've missed out on other posts) but are these beloved creations fully regulated, or just voltage regulated:

- Illuminator/IllPill
- Madmax

And how would PWM switching (this is how the Eternalights last so long) fit into the "regulation" scheme of things? Or can this only be referred to as "cadence throttling" of the supply? OK - dunno if I just made sense here... :p
Hmm, let`s see.
Fully regulated is the same as Flat regulated, and means simply that the light remains constant (flat line on a brightness vs time graph) over most of the battery life despite the falling voltage.
Part regulated smooths out the decline in brightness vs. battery voltage, but does not hold steady. It does drop overt time, but not so steeply when plotted on a graph.

And we all know about non-regulated lights. Dive, dive, dive!
The FreeLight is not regulated. It has a DC-DC step up and batteries that have a pretty flat discharge curve...these all make it "pretty much regulated," but it is not really regulated.

Yes, the madmax and badboy regulators are regulated! dat2zip makes fantastic regulators for those of you wishing to make your own mods. I myself prefer "regulation" until a certain battery capacity remaining, where the regulator switches out of regulation and into a long-lasting "emergency mode," or "moon mode."
Very nice....

There is something to be said about the "higher output" lights that are semi-regulated....For example, take the ARC LS. The setup in this flashlight is very ideal, since the batteries can't deliver the increased current that is needed over time to keep the regulator "regulating." Thus, it drops into moon mode at lower battery levels. You still have light to get you home...there is less chance of blowing up or damaging your batteries (if they're nimh or nicad) and you still get the "regulated" part when the batteries are mostly fresh to even fairly used.
This is not a problem with the Opalec, as the draw of 3 little 5mm led's is really not that much compared to a luxeon star led.

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