How is this suppose to work? I read the low voltage warning function was removed from the Olight M20 and other lights.
It's kind of dangerous not knowing when the low voltage cutoff in the battery is going to kick in. I was walking down some dark stairs with my D10 here the other day and darkness.. I was so suprised I almost fell down the stairs! A regulated light on protected li-ion will rarely give you any signal that the battery is about to go out until it does. Especially if it doesn't have a low voltage warning. So, how do others deal with this "problem"?
It's kind of dangerous not knowing when the low voltage cutoff in the battery is going to kick in. I was walking down some dark stairs with my D10 here the other day and darkness.. I was so suprised I almost fell down the stairs! A regulated light on protected li-ion will rarely give you any signal that the battery is about to go out until it does. Especially if it doesn't have a low voltage warning. So, how do others deal with this "problem"?