Longer runtime: Helmet or Bar?


Nov 22, 2006
Toronto, Canada
Need some additional advice from some riders here. I'm not a offroad rider much at night. I'm mostly a paved trail and road rider at night. I do look into the future for touring and night time endurance riding over 3hrs. I currently ride ~2hrs nightly.

Now I'm looking to rebuild or build a new light with some potential funds from a sponser to have me with some parts (TaskLED regs, Batteryspace batts + cables + mounts + good easy quick connects, longer range throwing optics, and a DIY Allen cube housing (no CNC :mecry:)

Seeing as the battery is one of the largest costing items out there I am not sure where to allocate the longer runtime to either the bar or helmet. I was thinking the helmet originally because if I'm in unknown terrain I have a tactical advantage should I run into any situation where I may be engaged in the field I can at least beam the light into the targets eyes in hopes to knock out thier nightvision temporarly (sp?). Then again on the downhills longer runwould be better for downhills and flats when I can ride at a faster pace with the light on the ground where I need it while going at a faster pace.

Thanks in advance for the help and suggestions.
Personal preference Zero. For road riding a bright bar light and a spotty helmet light for scoping out turns works well for me. Im replacing the helmet light with an axillary 25 deg flood bar light that will get turned on in the twisties or when Im descending at speed, so will have a 1hr runtime which should last me a few rides.
The only time I would run a brighter helmet light is when doing technical off road stuff.

With a helmet light scoping out dodgy people in the woods lets them know you're scoping them out, so immediately you bring attention. I have to remember to be less nosey when riding with the helmet light.
BTW, you were asking about best throw. Try these 2.5 degree reflectors.
Personal preference Zero. For road riding a bright bar light and a spotty helmet light for scoping out turns works well for me. Im replacing the helmet light with an axillary 25 deg flood bar light that will get turned on in the twisties or when Im descending at speed, so will have a 1hr runtime which should last me a few rides.
The only time I would run a brighter helmet light is when doing technical off road stuff.

With a helmet light scoping out dodgy people in the woods lets them know you're scoping them out, so immediately you bring attention. I have to remember to be less nosey when riding with the helmet light.
BTW, you were asking about best throw. Try these 2.5 degree reflectors.

Those 2.5 degree reflectors look nice. Tho at 30mm I'll have to do a whole new construction and I was hoping to use the 1in squre tubing I have right now as the sponsorship thing is something I'll use if/when I actually see the funds surface. Right now I don't know if/when any funds will come so I'm working with what I have on hand. The sponsor will only buy some parts for me when I have the parts list ready.


Any USA dealers selling those? Also what's the going rate for those reflectors (list the currency if not USD).