look what i did to my impact


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 23, 2001
Atlanta, GA>> The Flashlight that was broken shall
i opened the module and replaced the white with a red and took out the resistor and bridged the gap. poped it back together and droped it into my tec 20 screwed downthe lens head and viola an awsome beam that is more use fullthan the white. of course the posibiletees are endless and any led color can be used. now to mod my attitude
You didn't exactyl allow a lot of response time.

Sounds cool to me. any pictures?

Joe S.
Sounds cool. I wonder how fun it would be playing with a highly focused red beam....You could screw around with fish since most of them can't really see in red light (i discovered this when i went into the darkened fish room with my 4led red dorcy light, took the hand-net, and noticed how they wouldn't even run from it unless i made a sudden movement. and the only reason they detected sudden movement was because of their lateral line, an organ which runs along the entire fish's body and picks up subtle water pressure differences)
hey, just wonderin', Aragorn what do you use the highly focused red beam for? Sting operations?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Aragorn:
wondere what cyan would do<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I'm pretty sure it'll make the light much more blue/green than red.


I've also been playing with the Impact and a Brinkman rebel (2 cell), wondering how to cram something into a Tec 20. I have been impressed by how much those reflectors brighten the beam.

I actually prefer both those beams without the lens (gives you a nice cone of light). The Impact is brighter.

I don't think you will like the results with other colors. Unless I'm mistaken, the reds will take the lowest voltage.

ps. Don't feel bad about the lack of replies. Go the other side of the forum and see my "G2 Questions" topic I posted last night. You would think someone with a G2 would at least answer one of those questions.
I just got my first Impact, and quite like it. Don't know why a lot of people don't, but then I'm a bit of a spot light freak. I think it's great for a single LED light, and an incredible runtime.

But now I'm interested too. I'll have to try some different setups and see what happens.


I don't like the size of the Impact. I don't see why they didn't make one for the Tec 20. They already know how to make step ups because they did this in the Matrix module.


Do you know what angle that red LED is you're using, and where you got it? I want to try that mod, but I suspect it's sensitive to the LED angle.
duh- my fault. sorry. for these sorts of mods i always use photon grade leds. this red came from my photon. photons are so smooth and bright ya cant go wrong with the led
i like this setup- small chunky longlife fun intense light bright waterproof its all good
You can get a Photon 1 for $11.50 from Brightguy, so I may still try it. Next time I order something I'll get the LED.
The red LED conversion bulb+reflector that Bright Guy carries for the cute little UK2AAA was brighter than I expected.

I've been asking around the Wal-Marts in central NC after hearing rumors on CPF of them having the UK2AAA for a buck, but no joy. Anyone remember who posted that?
Aragorn, All -

I AM going to get together with Aragorn again sometime soon to take pics of this mod and others he has. It's just a matter of finding the time. The new place is sucking every last minute from my free time lately. Had to squeeze in 3 reviews for CMG this weekend and I still don't know how I did it.

Aragorn, we'll get together soon, perhaps 2 weekends from now (this coming weekend is booked solid). Feel free to call.