Looking for a WARM color temp


Newly Enlightened
Nov 6, 2011
It's interesting how there is generally little information on color temp for headlamps out there. It seems most headlamps run really white, which I guess makes sense for many applications.

My use case, however, is using it before bed and around the house. As such, I would prefer something with a warm color. (blue light can keep you up at night)

Anyone else in the same boat?
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Another option might be to find a nice unit that has everything else right, eg rear battery, AAA or AA, focusing, dimmable. Like the Coast HL7/HL27 and then swap out the emitter...?

Not sure if that's possible?
I don't own any Armytek headlamps, but I understand Armytek offers 4000K versions of most of them. Similarly, the Zebralight "c" models come in around 4000K.
I don't own any Armytek headlamps, but I understand Armytek offers 4000K versions of most of them. Similarly, the Zebralight "c" models come in around 4000K.

Thanks, both good suggestions.

Thing is, I'm looking for something lighter and more compact, closer to this design:


Or even this
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Snackling, I don't know if you realize, but the Zebralight H600Fc III which weighs in at a mere 4.4 oz with battery and headband included and even a bit lighter if you take the top headstrap off like many of us do. Going from the specs on Amazon, the Coast lights you mentioned are heavier/ bulkier. Or if you wanted even smaller you could go for the Zebralight H52w AA Headlamp Neutral White headlamp at 2.9 oz including battery and headband.