Ebay has a bunch, but nearly all of the one's I'm seeing are shipped out of China, with weeks-to-months shipping time.
The other couple I've seen are all too large for a little single-AA light.
Amazon had one, but the reviews were terrible.
I'm looking for the most basic black nylon holster,with belt loop and velcro flap (or if it fits well, no flap), that doesn't cost nearly as much as the light, yet isn't total junk.
Anyone know a good source for a decent unit that will fit the E12?
The other couple I've seen are all too large for a little single-AA light.
Amazon had one, but the reviews were terrible.
I'm looking for the most basic black nylon holster,with belt loop and velcro flap (or if it fits well, no flap), that doesn't cost nearly as much as the light, yet isn't total junk.
Anyone know a good source for a decent unit that will fit the E12?
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