Looking for flashlights, headlamps that work with CR2032 and/or are made of polymer, pom, premium plastic etc...


Newly Enlightened
Jan 21, 2023
I really like these CR2032 batteries, super lightweight, not bulky and they have lots of power for their size, I am looking for headlamps that use these batteries and have a plastic body (pom, premium plastic), I got the Fenix HL05 which has a very nice design plastic body and very nice run times, I love the flood light of the HL05.
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The design aesthetics of the Fenix v. Petzl can fairly be regarded as a matter of personal taste. The performance characteristics however can be objectively compared. The Fenix offers a three lumen low, and an eight lumen high output. The Petzl headlamp offers a 20 lumen low, and a 40 lumen high. This accounts for the really long runtime on the Fenix. The Petzl though has one significant and it would seem insurmountable advantage over the Fenix: the Petzl is still being manufactured. The Fenix has been discontinued.
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Why bother with CR2036 lights now? A Petzl E-lite weighs 26 grams, a bit under an ounce. It goes up to 50 lumens, battery life is limited. Batteries are expensive. The headlight costs as much as $30-40. For $25, you can get a Nitecore NU20 Classic headlight that is usb-c rechargeable with a low lasting close to 100 hours, red leds as well, and settings up to 360 lumens. The NU20 Classic weighs 1.34 ounces, a bit more than the E-lite. That weight difference goes away after accounting for the battery for the Nitecore lasting longer than you'd get from 2 sets of batteries from the E-lite. On longer trips, the Nitecore can be charged in a car with a 12 volt to USB adapter, in a hostel with a wall plug adapter, or while traveling with a battery bank or solar panel.
I agree with Brother Hooked on Fenix about the limited utility of 2032-powered lights. That noted, Brother Manul wrote that he wanted a 2032-powered headlamp, for reasons known only to him. To each his own...