Looking for info on a weird flashlight


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 15, 2001
Houston, Texas
I put this in the Café maybe it belongs here...

I remember reading on a magazine a few months back about a flashlight for law enforcement that emmited a light in a specific wavelenght that made the pupils iridescent, effectively temporarily blinding an opponent with no side effects.

I am almost sure it was a flashlight, but I could be wrong and maybe it was a laser, anyway it sounded pretty cool and want to find more info.

Any help?

My guess is that you are thinking of one of the green lasers. There are several companies that make LARGE green lazers that are about the size of a traditional baton and emit a wide beam (maybe an inch or so) that pulse at fairly slow rate that are intended for that use. No company names off the top of my head though, sorry. I think I saw a History Channel show about hi-tech weapons that featured it.
I saw it on the discovery channel in a show all about less-leathal methods, it works by confusing the signals that go to the brain. they say it's "eye safe" but who really knows.