Looking for recommendations on replacing a communications kit light


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 29, 2005
Cape Cod MA
I build emergency communications kits for field deployment. I'm looking to replace a 4AA florescent light with something much more efficient. I played with some of my 4AA energizer folding lights, but they just didn't fit the application at hand. Maybe an LED bar or something? It would be best to stick with AA batteries, if possible. I could use an SLA if needed as one is used for backup under the radios. Thanks

Maybe modify the light. Make the AAs run in two series and two parallel == (each line being a AA battery) and attach a Micropuck and a Seoul or Cree.

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Cool setup! Just in case you didn't know, Pelican makes equipment panels for almost all their cases. That way you can permanently (or semi-permanently) install gear into their cases without having to compromise the case's seal by drilling holes in it.

Do you have a current draw limit for the lighting?

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Gunner12: Interesting idea. Might give that a shot!

scott.cr: Yes the pelicans are very nice. I use them as protective storage on many of my test instruments. I also have started a kit design using a Pelican 1550. The size is just about right.

Thanks guys!

I was thinking about going a step beyond a simple LED converter. Sounds like you could use one of the new high efficiency LEDs. I haven't kept up with them, but provided they do operate with the chosen converter, they should provide substantial gains in efficiency.

My design would probably use a nFlex board, to give me the option of changing drive currents and to dim the light if necessary. Initially, I was thinking about the Fatman (which is my favorite converter from taskled.com), because it uses a much easier to understand dimmer pot - just dial the light down when you don't want so much bright! Unfortunately the Fatman is a boost converter and that won't work so well with this setup.

Anyway, the nFlex can be driven off both the AA's (all in series to provide Vin > Vf) or the SLA. You can even wire a transfer switch to select your power source.
Now you have hit me in a softspot. I am member of 1 local and one national (red cross) volunteer emcomm teams, a
And i had a bad experience with the kind of florescent light you are trying to substiture.

How about the Krill? Especailly the 180 deg version...And it comes in a multitude of colors.
See: http://www.kriana.com/pages/aalight.html

As a side note, do you build the kits proffesionally for sale? Would like to see more of your kits. Could you PM me?

enjoy, kostas