lots of flashlights in Combat Handguns magazine.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 16, 2001
St. Pete, Fl.
Lots of ads and articles in this mag about flashlights, mainly SF and SL [Scorpion]. This month had an article pertaining to the use of disparaging use of force in incrmental levels, of which the flashlight was touted as being an essential tool of distraction/disuading of aggression.

Alas the only led lights are Innovas [micro and X5MT {?} Tactical] and they are in advertisements only.

If I can ever think of it I'll scan a few paragraphs of text from the articles pertaining to flashlights. The Scorpion gets alot of thumbs up by these folks, and there are mucho photos of handguns displayed with knives and SF's, kinda like them showing their own or suggested EDC.

BTW, I have been subscribing to this mag for awhile. I find it different and refreshing from the usual "gun press" and they feature alot of stuff besides guns [ like lights, knives, and assesories of all sorts].
Hmmm...The use of a light in the tradtional force continuum is an unknown variable.

Wityh the possible exception of Strategos and the SF Institute (does the SFI even still exist?) I do not know of anyone or any Agency that advocates the use of a light in a force scenario. And personally, I would not risk my safety to see if it works.

where do you go to check out this mag? do you have a link to this mag?
combat handguns is a little beter than the others but still a gun rag. they'll write a glowing article about anything that pays advertising dollars.
My favorite is American Handgunner. It was even better when Ken Good wrote for it.

Uhh Russ, you forgot to consult with me on the above post.

Please don't forget the next time.
Originally posted by Tombeis:
Uhh Russ, you forgot to consult with me on the above post.

Please don't forget the next time.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">
Originally posted by tkl:
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Originally posted by Tombeis:
Uhh Russ, you forgot to consult with me on the above post.

Please don't forget the next time.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">
</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">*edit* sig line changed to be more 'appropriate'.