Love the led's but I keep coming back to the incans.


Newly Enlightened
Aug 31, 2005
Northeast USA
Just picked up a G2 camo from Gander mountain. Plus yesterday I recieved a HO-6 drop in for my 6pl from the Lumins Factory. Nice to have the options of incan and led for each of my Surefires.
I love LED's and it's one of the main reasons that I really took on the flashlight hobby seriously. That said, I'll never be willing to give up those glorious incans. They're just too darn fun and interesting.
Couldn't agree more, I also just picked up the Gander Mnt special G2, going to set it up with the IMR16340 cells, maybe an EO-9 or something to that effect :)

+1 with you 3 guys.
I usually pick the right tool for the job, and it's mostly incan, having said that I have LED's as well, usually as a backup.
Love the led's but I keep coming back to the incans.

This hobby is all about LIGHT. I just enjoy the ability to actually see a target clearly illuminated by good light, indoor or outdoor. This unique light quality that pleases my eyes most just so happens to be a bright white incandescent. I just hope everyone will find what they enjoy in this hobby. :candle:

:devil: Of course, fringe benefits are:

  1. Hardware! Hardware! Hardware!
  2. Electronics 101. Voltages, amperes, Coulombs, Watts.
  3. Physics 101. Color temperatures, wavelength spectrums! (Still don't know the purpose of UV light modules. Appreciate any help. :laughing:)
  4. Battery technologies! This place taught me a lot about batteries!

With Aloha,

Most times i need a light for general use ill grab either my e2e with LF bulb and rcr's or 6p 17650 3.7v bulb. I just love the output and colour of a good incan for general use around the yard etc. They never saw much service, only a quick shine now and then, due to the cost of primaries and the fact they wernt regulated, i found the batts to die quickly and giving a very yellow beam, now thanks to rechargable options i use them heaps and they run regulation like on li-ions whitch is great.

I mainly use my LED lights for EDC and times where longer runtime is needed, camping, fishing, hiking, BOB etc.

Even though the new TK20 is suppose to be a warm tint it still doesnt make me feel as good as i do with a good incan in hand.

For EDC purposes I find hat all I carry is LED.
I dont know what it is with alot of peoples eyes but mine seem just fine for depth perception and color rendition, with "warmer" cool tint and nuetral bins.(must be all the arc welding I do you have to kinda train your eyes to the flash)

But I do agree when I need something trully high output I reach for the ole hot wire every time. Especially when I need to spot a critter out at 100yards to put out of my misery.
Another minimag --> 5mm LED --> power LED --> hotwire story here. Cheap-to-feed incans really are a godsend.

Primary lithium blasters, I can go either way - but if you're gonna eliminate the one problem with incan by brute force (inefficiency) and driving bulbs hard (less inefficient), you may as well get all the benefits of a full spectrum.
I went out for an evening stroll with my lovely Wife. I just love walking through a dark park with my E2d. When its really dark, the MN03 LA rocks!
"Buy Both" really applies here. Why limit yourself or have to choose one over the other? I EDC both types. It's having the right tool for the job...
last night i wanted to compair the difference between my e2e with a LF e0-2r and a recent addition of a malkoff m60lf....... this tree has the most stuning reds and yellows this fall. the result:
LF eo-2r 1
m60 lf 0
even the malkoff could not render the true color of those awesome leafs. LED good. incan better.
"Buy Both" really applies here. Why limit yourself or have to choose one over the other? I EDC both types. It's having the right tool for the job...

Same here.

I EDC a RA Twisty 85-TR on my person and a Surefire C2 w/ HO-9 (AW IMR16340) in my bag. Also have an Arc-P AAA on my keychain.

Those three can usually handle anything.
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last night i wanted to compair the difference between my e2e with a LF e0-2r and a recent addition of a malkoff m60lf....... this tree has the most stuning reds and yellows this fall. the result:
LF eo-2r 1
m60 lf 0
even the malkoff could not render the true color of those awesome leafs. LED good. incan better.

You should see the M60W then!

M60 - M60W (W means Warm) - KT2/MN16/FM 2x 18650

But I have to agree, the M60W is the best of all the LED I've had, but incan is still better.

But maybe that's because I compared it to the scorching, overdriven, 360 torch lumen MN16.
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I agree. I like LED's, but I keep coming back to my incans. My PT Tec-40's,and my SF E2e's are again the lights I EDC,and use the most. You just can't beat small incans that are bright,and have 2.5 hour runtime, before they go dim.
I've been doing something unusual the nights this week, running an incan on primaries instead of rechargeables. More specifically a Surefire E2 with an MN03 lamp assembly. Walking around through dark buildings, I'm still on the same set of batteries all week, just can't get them to die. And they weren't even fresh to begin with.

The light is so perfect, the best combination of room filling large hotspot and throw.

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