Lowest cost shipping for HEAVY items?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 24, 2001
N 40.711561 W 74.011753
Flashlights aren't usually too heavy, but anyone have any experience shipping heavy stuff?

Looking for any options for shipping heavy items, around 100 lbs or thereabouts, which may be better than Fedex Ground, which seems the best so far.
USPS stops at 70 lbs, UPS ground is a bit more, with Fedex coming in at about $55 or so.
I was going to see about selling an extra 60V 20A rack mount lab supply (about 91 lbs unpacked), but unless some other shipping alternatives are available, it just seems too expensive for other than a local buyer. Thought I'd give ebay a whirl, because no one is likely to have a need to test a 1200W flashlight- /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
Slow boat/truck/rail shipping would be fine, so long as it's still safe and insurable.
I had a bicycle sent to me years ago by train from Virginia to Texas.
Try an internet search on "train shipping", or see if there is a trucking company near you that would be ok with throwing in the item in question onto a truck going that way.
Both are longshots, but worth checking out just for fun.
Call some motor freight places. You will have to ship the package from the freight terminal but they can usually deliver to the recipient's door.
If it can fit into a new USPS priority flat rate box. your are set! very low cost aprox. $8, 70lb weight limit, but got to fit in special USPS flat rate box.

No idea who does it cheap but 100 lbs is nothing for some companies, the weight limitation frequently exists only for items delivered to your doorstep.

Rail may be the cheapest option, but to give you an idea of what can be shipped...some air freight companies have been known to fly herds of cattle. This has been done by Flying Tigers (now owned by FedEx I think) and no telling how many others. Additionally if you can find anyone in the horse racing business...the horses are flown to international events as well.

Looks like DHL is between 50 to 60 depending on how far West it goes; that appears to be the going rate.

It's about 20x20x5.5 inches sans packaging, so it won't fit in any of the USPS boxes, unfortunately.

Shipping this is trivial compared to shipping a cow or a horse- can't imagine what's involved with that! I'm sure that won't be inexpensive.. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ooo.gif