According to Future electronics the high domes are avalible now...they want $16, even though thier cataloge says $22...minunmum order is one...ground shipping is $7 (talk about a rip off). I tried to get a hold of Lumileds at their toll free line 1-877-298-9455 to confirm, but no answer.
These are rated much higher than the low domes we are playing with...
red-orange- available in high dome only, 55 lumen...5 less than a SureFire E-2
Makes me feel all warm and cozy a shot of fine bourbon...where`s my cigar?
red- low dome 25 lumen...high dome 44 lumen
amber- low dome 20 lumen...high dome 36
re-orange high dome (with optics) LXHL-NH94
red high dome (with optics) LXHL-ND94
amber high dome (with optics) LXHL-NL94
All ratings at 2.95 volts at 350ma
Recommendation:...get step-ups, resistors, dancing bears needed, just a 3 volt 123 or 2 AA or 2 (insert favorite batts here)...stop playing with wimpy low domes...keep your sunglasses handy.
Means:...grobbeling, begging, pestering and doing other things to make Gransee miserable unless he makes them available to us is the suggested course of action.