LS's ...just around the corner

Mr Ted Bear

Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 20, 2001
Los Angeles, CA
LS\'s ...just around the corner

Most everyone knows that Shot 2002 is this upcoming weekend Feb 2 - Feb 5. As a seasoened veteran of trade shows, both as exhibitor/vendor as well as attendee, I know the value of making phone calls ahead of time, to arrange appointments and meetings.

Just as as example, Sunday evening, I have made arrangements to do a photo layout with one vendor, who btw, will be previewing several new offerings at Shot 2002.

In another phone call, the vendor has indicated they have already developed well over 30 different LS prototypes, some that actually outperform incandescants; some that are/will be in the $20 - $30 range. Some that "can be" available in as little as 3 weeks, others for the end of the year. **Note, this vendor has indicated that these will not be shown at Shot 2002 for various competitve reasons, though "someone" in out group will have them under "lock and key". This vendor is known to produced flashlights for others under private lable.

Also, ATTN: BROCK I also understand that will be another HID like the Light Cannon using Li-ion (can't wait to see this one).

Lastly, back to LS. This vendor indicated they were ready to release a few different models but are holding back because the folks that make the LS don't keep their promises to deliver product. They will be showing these at Shot 2002 but unfortunately have no firm delivery date.
Re: LS\'s ...just around the corner

Can't wait to hear your report next week! Sounds like you'll be knee-deep in LS lights. Watch where you step.

Makes the hairs on the back of my neck tingle to imagine that we're really just in the infancy of solid-state lighting technology. At this stage of the development of incandescents, they probably hadn't even tried heating the wire in a vacuum
. With some effort finally being put into this stuff, I think we're in for some really exciting products in the near future. My daughter probably won't even know what an incandscent light *was.* "You mean you could break them Papa?"
Re: LS\'s ...just around the corner


Today I learned about the "pricing game". This manufacture indicated that LedCorp expects them to purchase the LS through their distributor at a cost of nearly $10 bucks apiece. When you consider that they are ready to place a 10,000 piece opening order... I was told that these things should be half that price in these qunatities