lumens to candle power


Nov 29, 2004
Ontario, Can
some people arn't like us and only know candle power, so how do you conver lumens to cadle power. my PM6 says 74 lumens whats that in candle power. I want to prove to a guy at work that its really bright but he doesn't know lumens.

as a side note. whats the lumen and candle power output of a 2c 123 krp112 mod.

thanks in advance.
Yeah, though they both deal in 'brightness' they are measuring different things. You could have two lights with identical tested candlepower but with radically different lumens. In general, you could tell people that a PM6 (or G2 w/P60, Sypder, Maxfire or most 2x123 Xenon lights) are about equilavent to a 4D Mag. Or you could tell them that the PM6 puts 23,755 candlepower and they'd probably never know the difference. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

On the 3x123 with kpr112, I would say pretty definitively that it's between 100 and 200 lumens. If I compare mine to a G2 with a P61 lamp, the overall brightness seems pretty similar but the Mag would have more throw of course. The MagCharger is rated at 175 lumens and 40,000 candlepower. Though I've never compared them next to one another, I'd suggest that they are in the same league.
In a nut shell, lumen measures the total output of a lamp. While candlepower measures the brightest point of a beam.

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