Flashlight Enthusiast
Hey all, my first post here. I work in security and am about to start a new position in the field with my company as a supervisor in the evenings after the office is closed. I'll be driving between two counties in a patrol car doing inspections checking up on sites/guards, and going to lend aide when neccessary. In the past I've always stuck with the 3D MagLite, I love the beam and the reach it gives me, plus the added security of having it hanging on my belt. However I've been thinking of getting something less obtrusive to carry. How do the new breeds compare in power and throw to the 3D cell? I know of them and about them, but no hands on with one.
Also does anyone have an exact breakdown of each model's lumen rating? The shorter duration of the smaller batteries is not a concern to me as I will not be using the flashlight very often, but working at night and often outdoors, I want to be able to carry something with me should the need arise, and I want performance like I get out of the MagLite. TIA
BTW, my wife always made fun of my fetish for portable lighting , glad to know I'm not the only one!!
Also does anyone have an exact breakdown of each model's lumen rating? The shorter duration of the smaller batteries is not a concern to me as I will not be using the flashlight very often, but working at night and often outdoors, I want to be able to carry something with me should the need arise, and I want performance like I get out of the MagLite. TIA
BTW, my wife always made fun of my fetish for portable lighting , glad to know I'm not the only one!!