LumiLEDs dropping data off Luxeon datasheets


Feb 18, 2004
Oregon- United States of America
If you have old LumiLEDs datasheets, hang on to them. now has half the pages it did, leaving a gaping hole to important parameters on their parts, and dropping all the charts.

Even the Stars datasheet dropped the info, (binning) now has half the pages it did, leaving a gaping hole to important parameters on their parts, and dropping all the charts. They even dropped list of Vf codes. Notice the new color binning list is gone too.

Going back to the old binning? (gee, mean nobody wants to buy the bad bins, and they don't wanna give a price break on them?)

All the data is still on the Lux I datasheet for the moment, snag it while you can,

The Lux V Portable datasheet is still okay,

The datasheets are missing the typical Lumileds marketing spiel as the last page. It's odd that they'd leave off the marketing fluff.

I'm wondering if they tried to re-distill their documents and mistakenly only did half of the document or something.
I suspect that it is simply a posting error in which they didn't post all of the pages. For example, on page 7 of AB21 the text makes reference to tables 7-15 even though the posted material only has up through table 9.
I doubt it was an error - all the pages are exactly the same as the old one (I have it), but they simply dropped off all the graphs and anything dealing with the 'new' tints of W0, WA, Y0, X0, etc, etc.

I've got all the documents printed, but not only the binning guide saved. If anyone wants to host it I'll send it to them via e-mail.
i have a few original datasheets i think if anyone wants to host, pm me.

i'd host, but i have a dsl connection with a 99% permanent IP, but i already host all the pics i post so i have enough bandwidth usage to just barely sneak under my ISP's radar.
I am 99% certain that AB21 is wrong as I have a version dated November that has more pages that someone must have sent me. I am sure it will get fixed eventually.
Has anyone looked at AB21 recently? It appears they did a totall overhaul and I didn't see anything missing on first glance.
NewBie, I have had nothing but good support so perhaps your experience is not the norm. However, if all you were calling about was hobby information and looking to buy just a couple of Luxeons, then you can not expect a lot of support. Companies exist to make money. When a customer calls, the first thing you generally want to find out is how many they want to buy. If they only want to buy a little, you can't justify a lot of time with them.