Lux 3 space needle worth building as 1st light?


Feb 1, 2003
Brentwood, TN
I have read these forums for a while and have wondered about building/assembling a light. I like the size and feel of a smaller 2D or 2c maglite and was wondering if doing a "space needle" type mod with a Lux III is worth doing. It looks like the parts might total under $50 not counting maglite. Thanks in advance.
Definitely. Directions are HERE except you will need a Mag version capable of accommodating 3 x 1.5V cells instead of 3 x CR123 cells.
I just made one from a 3D m@g and a LUX III from B/S/T. runns about 900mA DD. all I gotta say is WOW!!! The mag reflector works really nice. and it is easy to do, aside from cleaning the inside of the mag to clean off the extra anodize to get the hotlips to fit. great for a first mod.
Where is the best source for parts? I know some can be had from the shoppe, but are other choices better deals? Also what is good Lux III to look for? Thanks once again.
Re: Lux 3 space needle worth building as 1st light

=== Parts List ===
- Mag1D with 3AA-1D adapter ... $45 (Fivemega | me for the host & waion for the adapter.)
- Hotlips | Osink ... $10.25 - $15 (hotbeam, Shop or Yaesemofo)
- Luxeon III TW0K | TWAK ... $14 ... $18 (PhotonFanatic, Klaus, or Shop)

You could also get creative by using a MagC with polystyrene tubing & make your own dummy spacer.

Happy Modding,
Re: Lux 3 space needle worth building as 1st light

Thanks for all the help. Is there a way to use a 2D Mag by using one of the waion adapters and some kind of spacer?
Re: Lux 3 space needle worth building as 1st light


If you want to stay with a smaller host like the 2C you can use 2 Cr123 cells with a 2.5 Ohm resistor and a dummy spacer to make up the difference "more on this later". 3 123 cells are a little too much for a LuxIII in direct drive somebody here killed one trying that a while back I don't recall who that was though /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rolleye11.gif

The dummy battery spacers is already in your light so there is nothing extra to buy here, dissemble the switch and take the gold color post off the front and inside is the silver bulb post that once held the bulb. This works just find to take up the extra space in you battery tube as the last cell so the spring will make contact.

You only need to spread the two half's of the switch far enough apart to get the bulb post out the little parts inside can fly all over the place and take forever to find them and get the switch working again, somebody here did that awhile back but I don't recall just who it was /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rolleye11.gif

Solder the resister inline with the positive wire off the front contact on the switch and your ready to go. If you want to go this route and need a resistor send me a PM I have an extra here I can send you.

Re: Lux 3 space needle worth building as 1st light

Thanks Sway,
What about (3) AA's preferably Nimh? Mr. Bulk suggested (3) AA's but they don't seem to work out for a 2 cell mod. That is the reason for the extra questions. Sorry but the physics that stuck with me was for construction not electronics.
Re: Lux 3 space needle worth building as 1st light

.308, hope you do not mind if I jump on this band wagon.

I'm pretty much going with the same project for my first light. I am going to use 3 3w stars with a Buckpuck to regulate it at 1000mAh. I have read as much as I can find but still can not figure out how much voltage I will need, or how much voltage I can go with safely. I would like to use a 3D mag with 12 1.2v 2300mAh NIMH batteries. This would give me 14.4v right? Using the LED Pro calc it gives me a restistance of 3 ohms. Am I crazy, or will this work? SOMEBODY HELP!!!! Thanks.

Re: Lux 3 space needle worth building as 1st light

For 3 AA's you could use a 2D that has been cut down to 1D size in length like modamag pointed out Mag1D with 3AA-1D adapter ... $45 (Fivemega | me for the host & waion for the adapter.) This makes a nice size light a little fatter than a 2C but shoter.

Re: Lux 3 space needle worth building as 1st light

Thanks for the info once again. I probably sound like an idiot so I apologize in advance. I keep asking about a 2 cell body because I think that would be my ideal size preference. I know (thanks to you guys) that the Mag1D is an option as well as a 3 cell Mag. Is this mod possible using a 2 cell mag with AA's? Sorry for all the questions, but the wealth of info very much appreciated.
Re: Lux 3 space needle worth building as 1st light

Yes it is called a sandwich and it is available from the shoppe. I highly recomend them.

since you want 1A to each of the LED's then run the luxeon's in series. The voltage you need is based on the added Vf of the LED's. It needs to be higher than that. Keep in mind that AA nihms will drop to .8v. If you are using a Downboy from the shoppe, it will not hurt the downboy to go under the voltage. It will merely be in direct drive.

Good luck guys
Re: Lux 3 space needle worth building as 1st light

Ya know, if you were to consider a 3C, the whole thing could be done for less than $50, including the host.
O-sink $12
Lux 3 K Voltage bin $15
Muglite 3C $20
Direct drive, no expensive electronics. 3 Cells is the magic number for direct drive. Alkalines will sag to the correct voltage for the Lux. Nimhs are right at the proper voltage. Alkaline C's are cheap and easy to find. Not always so with 123 batteries, despite what CPF'ers like to say. C cells will give long runtimes compared to AA with the 3AA>D adapter.
Ok, I've said my piece.
Re: Lux 3 space needle worth building as 1st light

IMO the full space needle (Mag 2c and Luxeon 5) is pretty neat because of its power. A Mag 3c with 3 C cells and Luxeon 3 is very good for its long runtime. Running with 3xAA it seems that you might as well just get a Gerber LX3.0.
Re: Lux 3 space needle worth building as 1st light

Thanks everyone,
It looks like the 3 cell mag will be the mod. I appreciate all the info.
Re: Lux 3 space needle worth building as 1st light


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