Luxeon 3D Maglight conversion


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 5, 2002
Bay Area
I finally got some help from our machine shop in making the aluminum disks for the insert and to mount the LS on.

All I can say is awesome.

My next mod will be the 2D Maglight to 3C conversion.

Just wanted to thank those who posted and contributed to inspire me to try this mod. I am a klutz when it comes to mechanical things. I'm still looking. Yup... No blood anywhere. Hmmm, that is strange, I'm using bleeding from cutting myself somewhere.

Here is a shot of it compared to my new inovax5

OK, It's the puke green ones. Actually, it doesn't look quite that bad as the photo shows.
Experimenting with converting the previous picture into color mapping. The digital camera brightness levels are incremental in nature. The color photo doesn't do justice for the actual brightness. I converted the photo to grey scale and then back to indexed color and applied a rainbow spectrum into the index color. Each Greyscale step now has a unique color associated with it.

Here is the same photo in indexed mode.

Nice mod and nice pics, dat2zip! How is the heatsinking? Notice any heat near the luxeon or is it all taken care of by the heatsink?

I ran it for 10 minutes and then took it apart. I was rather amazed that the LS and the aluminum was still near room temperature. Almost like it wasn't on.

I have more aluminum slugs. I'm going to glue an LS to one of them and run it outside the flashlight to do some temperature testing. I can't believe the LS and the aluminum don't get warm. Maybe I need to run it longer to let everything heat up and stabilize.
The photo doesn't do justice. To me the green is only around the edge. It doesn't look that bad as the photo shows.
I would like to try a luxeon mod myself in a 3d mag. which type of luxeon do I need and where do I order it?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mrchri5:
I would like to try a luxeon mod myself in a 3d mag. which type of luxeon do I need and where do I order it?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hey man the best way to do this is to go to lambdas site. I have one of these and they are GREAT!!
i still dont understand all the differences, some of them say just the emitter and some say the luxeon star led. where do i order one? i cant find them on the arc website for order anymore.
You can do this mod two different ways. The easiest way is to use the LS/O (Luxeon with Optics). I still see Arc sells them on their web site and I believe this is the /O version with optics.

You can also order from Future electronics or from Mark Hannah Surplus.

Mark Hannah web site is:
Mark Hannah Surplus Web Site.

The mod I just performed was like electrolumens using the /O version.

This is the easier of the two methods since the included optics means you don't have to worry about the alignment of the reflector and the LED. In this case the reflector is more show than actual.

The other material you will need to get is the aluminum plate or heat sink, 1 ohm 1-2W resistor, 24 hour epoxy, heat sink grease or Artic Silver III and other misc tools.

The bare LED version is well documented on lambda web site?? (I think). One of these days I need to update and add links to all the other CPF members and their great mods they have done.
arc is out. I'm gonna put in an order for 2 from the other guys. would copper be a better choice than aluminum for the heatsink? This will be my first real mod so I'm trying to keep it simple. I'm going to get the luxeon with optics so can i just leave out the reflector?
Copper is a better conductor of heat than aluminum. I'm pretty sure about that.

Why copper? Do you have some magic way to make copper disks or heat sinks? If so, could you share your ideas?

I also would like to retract the puke green statement since this is causing some concern among other CPF members. I know there are various colors and variety of LS out there. The ones I have have a slight green only on the fringe but is generally white or blue white in the center. I'm been using the 3D flashlight around the house and I have not noticed the greenish cast at all in real usage. I think others have a worse case of green shift.

Sorry to mention puke green as this is not giving the correct impression. The digital photo for whatever reason exagerated the green shift more that it is.
that is a sweet mod!, that is giving me more reasons to pick the mag up again, thanks! i have to get the star led for the 3d mag it's the only way i will ever use it.(besides at work).i'm going to search for hints to this mod. later
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dat2zip:
Copper is a better conductor of heat than aluminum. I'm pretty sure about that.

Why copper? Do you have some magic way to make copper disks or heat sinks? If so, could you share your ideas?

I also would like to retract the puke green statement since this is causing some concern among other CPF members. I know there are various colors and variety of LS out there. The ones I have have a slight green only on the fringe but is generally white or blue white in the center. I'm been using the 3D flashlight around the house and I have not noticed the greenish cast at all in real usage. I think others have a worse case of green shift.

Sorry to mention puke green as this is not giving the correct impression. The digital photo for whatever reason exagerated the green shift more that it is.

I know there is alot of talk of the LS "green" color. I think the light is slightly yellowish, not green. That is why lumileds calls it a 4500K.

I have a simple solution try on of my 470nM blues
they are not green

I have also been thinking about a dual emitter(one 470nM blue and one white) application, this would effectively raise the color temp of the overall light, drowning out the "green"

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