Luxeon III Star Question


Feb 1, 2003
Brentwood, TN
I am trying to read everything I can, but the knowledge is slow in coming. Would a Lux III star removed from the star be the same led as a Lux III emitter if their bins were the same. The reason I ask is I see some stars available with better bins than emitters and the prices are the same.
I would think so. If you're comparing prices across vendors, you may see larger differences between the two. If you buy directly from Future, the difference is about $0.25, IIRC.
It's similar but not the same.
The star emitter's leads seem to be more fragile for some reason.
Bin wise, they are the same functionally.
What bins have you found?
I'm very new at this so this is probably not great info. PhotonFanatic has LUX III Star TX1L which seem to be pretty high bin for a direct drive application. That is the only X binned Lux III I've seen with a L Vf.
You're confusing the bin code a bit.
T is the lumen (brightness) output.
X1 is the tint, toward yellow IIRC.
L is the Vf.

I didn't mean to. I am under the impression that the best(subjective) LED for most purposes should have the highest lumen, closet tint to white, and highest voltage forward (for direct drive). It looks like most Lux III's I've seen are T's with W, X, or V for tint. So a Lux III TX1L seems like a great LED for a direct drive light. I emphasize seems because I'm swimming in deep water.
You are correct about the T & L.
The X1 is a white led.
All Luxeon leds have a tint code to identify how white & what shade of other color invades the true white.
X1 has a slight yellow I believe.
Truest white is a WO.
TWOL defines what you are asking for.
Most tinting is noticeable only when comparing different leds side by side.

All this ignores the rarely available U bin Lux III.

*X1* is a tad bit on the greenish regurgitated nonfat milk side.
Some are very nice and white with only a little poor rendering in the red spectrum.

*V1* is a bit on the yellowish side.
Some of these really look nice and white too.

*VO* is a bit on the yellow/orange petstain side.

*WA* is a bit on the pinkish side.
A good tint for your other half.

*WO* is nice and white with a touch of pink sometimes.
Really does a good job of color rendering for an led.

*XO* os a bit on the bluish/purplish side, but also very white.

*YO is usually a nice " baby daylight blue" tint that really looks nice too.

*YA* is an HID purplish blue steel tint that looks like luxury car headlights.
Keep in mind that even within a given tint bin, there can be obvious tint differences. I have a light engine with a TV1J from McGizmo that has only the slightest bit of green in it, but I also have a TV1K Luxeon Star that is obviously greenish and not so pleasant.

Along the same lines, I have some TVOJ Stars that are only slightly warmer than a TWOJ that I have, and don't look at all yellow or orange.

Your best bet is to buy your LED from someone that can tell you what the ones he has to sell actually look like when lit up.