Luxeon PR Base Emitter


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 5, 2001
Cottage Grove, Oregon, USA
PR Base Luxeon Star

I have 4 Luxeon emitters left, and I'm going to make 4 Luxeon PR Base Emitter bulbs with them. If you want one, let me know. They will be $16/ea.

The Luxeon PR emitter seen on my web page is also available, for $16. This emitter is a little different than the first one in that it has a 1 7/8" heat sink, and can be put into the Rayovac flashlight as displayed on my web site. These PR Base Luxeon emitters have no resistors in them, so you can use them with two 1.5 volt batteries, or use them with voltage regulation for greater brightness.

With 2 batteries, the brightness is about equal to 10 LED's. Ten white Nichia's cost about $30, and then you have to make a circuit board for them, and modify a flashlight to accommodate the large LED array. This Luxeon PR Base Emitter only cost $16, and you can purchase any 2 'C' or 2 'D' cell flashlight, and simply replace the stock bulb. Easy and inexpensive.

If the response is good for this, I'll purchase more emitters and make more.

Wayne Johnson
Hey cool idea.

What does the output light pattern look like
with a typical reflector type flashlight
with one of this in it? Can you post a pic
possibly comparing it to an LS/o operating
at the same current or close to it?


PS Were you Wayne at one time?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrAl:
Hey cool idea.

What does the output light pattern look like
with a typical reflector type flashlight
with one of this in it? Can you post a pic
possibly comparing it to an LS/o operating
at the same current or close to it?


PS Were you Wayne at one time?

Hello Al,

Yes, I was Wayne at one time, and I still am.

The best beam patter comes from a 'D' cell Mag. In the Rayovac, which is not adjustable, the pattern is not as good as the optics. Acutally, the best results come from a adjustable beam flashlight. When I put together the PR base bulb seen on my web page, the height of the emitter can be adjusted slightly, but this would not be the case with the ones I'm going to make.


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ElektroLumens:

I have 4 Luxeon emitters left, and I'm going to make 4 Luxeon PR Base Emitter bulbs with them. If you want one, let me know. They will be $16/ea.

Hi Wayne
Send me 1 of the Luxeon emitters - but not in the PR base version.

You will get the money 'as usual'.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Daniel Ramsey:
Are you short? I have some extra bare emitters if you need just one or a few, still in the strip untouched.I bought a 25 count strip from Future, only used 2, So far these have the white with the slight green halo, I prefer not to put them in my Brinkmann mods to sell, the blue/pink ones I like better.My day job is revving up to the point that I have almost no time at all to do R&D except on sunday, bummer


I'll keep this in mind.

I too have little time. I work on my projects late at night, or on Saturday.

Wayne Johnson
I'm may be interested in one. Am I correct in assuming that running them in a 3C or D cell Maglight would overload them?

I would assume that running them at 3 volts would also underdrive the LS (?)

I guess what I'm trying to get at is how does the light output in a 3 volt Maglite compare to the regulated light output of the Arc-LS? Can you compare the light output to one of the 3 battery configurations? (I had an Arc-LS, but sadly, it suffered from 'first run' bugs, and had to go back. But I did get a good idea of the light output, with the three battery cases.

I have a very compact aluminum 2 C cell light made by Nordic; it's basically a Maglight ripoff, except it's smaller than a 2 C cell Maglite, and it was really cheap on eBay. (Quite well made, though) I haven't found a good niche for it, but if your PR base lamp puts out enough light, it would be a good use for this light.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gandalf:
I'm may be interested in one. Am I correct in assuming that running them in a 3C or D cell Maglight would overload them?

I would assume that running them at 3 volts would also underdrive the LS (?)

I guess what I'm trying to get at is how does the light output in a 3 volt Maglite compare to the regulated light output of the Arc-LS? Can you compare the light output to one of the 3 battery configurations?

I was wondering the very same thing(s).

And one more thing. How bad would 3 NiMH batteries be overdriving the LS? I mean, I know it would peak above specs, but would the voltage drop fast enough
that there wouldn't be problem. If you run 2 alkalines then your starting below peak (optimum) voltage and then it's downhill from there.
I don't have one of Wayne's PR bases, but made one of my own resistored with 2.5 ohms; it draws about 400ma. Running at 4.5V on three D cells, it gets very (burn you) hot after a few minutes use. I've used it regularly every night for 5 to 6 min for a month when walking the dog in the back yard, and it's not suffered any problems yet. However, feeding it more that 400ma may be getting into the melt down temperatures.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gandalf:
I'm may be interested in one. Am I correct in assuming that running them in a 3C or D cell Maglight would overload them?

I would assume that running them at 3 volts would also underdrive the LS (?)

I guess what I'm trying to get at is how does the light output in a 3 volt Maglite compare to the regulated light output of the Arc-LS? Can you compare the light output to one of the 3 battery configurations? (I had an Arc-LS, but sadly, it suffered from 'first run' bugs, and had to go back. But I did get a good idea of the light output, with the three battery cases.

I have a very compact aluminum 2 C cell light made by Nordic; it's basically a Maglight ripoff, except it's smaller than a 2 C cell Maglite, and it was really cheap on eBay. (Quite well made, though) I haven't found a good niche for it, but if your PR base lamp puts out enough light, it would be a good use for this light.

Running the Luxeon at 3 volts is definately underdriving it. It still puts out a fair amount of light, though, about the same as 10 Nicia's. The purpose of putting the Luxeon in a 2 battery flashlight is just for an inexpensive LED flashlight option. Just put the bulb in, and that's it. No modification. A real good light to give to the kids, etc. I don't want to put a flashlight that cost me a lot of money, in the hands of a 8 year old.

I put the Luxeon PR in my 2 'D' cell Mag Lite, and it is just 'okay'. Not real bright. The beam can be focused to an extent, with a hot spot that projects quite far for an LED. All the light is not captured from the reflector from the emitter, so the focussed beam is not as bright as possible.

I don't have a ARC LS, but I do have a regulated Luxeon, set at 3.2 volts, and 350mA, and it is much broader, and lights up the area better. The hot spot of the Mag with the emitter is brighter and throws much farther.

I don't know how hard the Luxeon can be pushed, but I'll find out. I might have to wait until I get a few more emitters. The ones I have are already spoken for, and I don't want to disappoint anyone, by burning up the Luxeon emitter that was promised to them.

Some are overdriving the heck out of them, and getting away with it, because of real good heat sinking.

It is a most disappointing experience to see a Luxeon flicker, and then go dim.

You can get a Luxeon PR from me, )when I make some more), and try it in your 2 'C' cell flashlight. If you don't like it, send it back to me.

So, they flicker before death?

Any idea what temp or current that was?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by lambda:
So, they flicker before death?

Any idea what temp or current that was?

When the Luxeon I had fried, it would flicker, bright/dim/bright/dim etc, just like the Nichia does as it is dying. I don't know what the current was, but it was getting real hot, and I didnt' know enough at that time to use a lot of heat sink. I've had no problems since I have been using heat sinks. (See my web page, there is a sample heat sink I made.) I sometimes will bolt 2 or three of these together, with the Luxeon on it. The Luxeon doesn't even get warm, even at high current of 500mA. I never let it go long though, because I don't want to lose my $14 investment.

If anybody else is interested in a Luxeon PR base emitter, I just received my order of 5 emitters, and am going to make 5 more. These would be the PR base emitter that will fit into any flashlight that takes a PR base bulb. (Not the one with the big heat sink attached.) The last batch sold too quickly. Here's the link for a description.

Luxeon PR Base Bulb

Email me if you want one. Really inexspensive! $$

Have you tested these emitters yet; are they pea green or blue tinted?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Aragorn:
that oversized heatsink keeps me from buying it how does it fit in flashlights?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hello Aragorn,

I suppose I should have been a little bit more specific in the explanation. (I made a link to the incorrect photo, sorry). Here's the correct link:

Luxeon PR Base Bulb

The emitter with the big heat sink was just one version. There is a photo of a Luxeon PR base bulb, without the big heat sink, and that is the one I'm making available, not the one with the big heat sink attached. This will fit into any 2 battery flashlight made for a PR base bulb. The best beam pattern comes from flashlights like the MAG, which has an adjustable beam. It casts a focussed beam quite far for a LED.

The purose of such a PR base bulb is to make an inexpensive LED mod. Just remove the old bulb and replace it with the Luxeon PR base bulb. That's it. It's about as bright as a cheapo 2 'D' cell flashlight, because of no regulation to step up the voltage. I don't recomend running it over 3 volts, or 290mA.

Sorry for the cofusion.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Daniel Ramsey:
Sure sounds like a winning project Wayne, ever thought about a mini collimator available for you PR Luxeon for those that wish to mount one in other than an adjustable bezel? could even be tinted to look red, blue,green why heck sell a kit of snap on optics for different colors! and still have a white Luxeon when you want it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


That's a great idea. I had an old collimator from a toasted Luxeon w/o, and I use it in the 2 'D' cell Rayovac mod I did. If I could just get some collimators for less than the $5 being asked by Future Electronics.

I wish there was someone who could make a collimator here on the CPF, and sell them for a more reasonable price!?


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by lambda:

Have you tested these emitters yet; are they pea green or blue tinted?

They are the greenish ones, at least the last batch were. The green color is minimized by the collimator.


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sean:
I was wondering the very same thing(s).

And one more thing. How bad would 3 NiMH batteries be overdriving the LS? I mean, I know it would peak above specs, but would the voltage drop fast enough
that there wouldn't be problem. If you run 2 alkalines then your starting below peak (optimum) voltage and then it's downhill from there.

I would like to emphasize that this particular Luxeon PR base bulb is designed for use in a 2 cell flashlight. It is for someone who wants to do an inexpensive and very easy LED mod. I'm only asking $16, plus shipping.

I would not recomend running it in a 3 cell flashlight. I don't know what how the 'N' cells would work. There might be enough internal resistance in the batteries to do this, but I have not tried it.

I have done a mod with this emitter, with a large heat sink. I am planning on running it with 2 'D' cells, and cranking up the current to 390mA. It is in a Rayovac 3 'D' cell flashlight, with a MAX757 step up regulator. I am using a collimator with it. It is awesome!!

Hey, Wayne...that luxeon bulb looks great! Solid aluminum core, eh? I bet that really helps the heatsinking...
Great job!