Luxeon Questions


Aug 17, 2002
I have a few questions, they shouldn't be all that hard to answer:

*what is Lambertian?
*what is side emmiting?
*what is up with that board on the bottom of the Luxeon Star? a heatsink?
*is the thing on the bottom of the Luxeon star necessary?
*is a luxeon emmiter the same as a luxeon star without the bottom thingy?
*what is the ideal voltage for a luxeon?
*if i am making a flashlight, can i run the (-) through the body and connect it to the (-) "arm"?
*where is the best place to get the best color luxeons?
*what is the difference between a hd and a ld (besides the obvious)?
*does ne one have any "real size" photos (compard to a us quarter or something)?
*would anybody like to donate one or two to a fellow cpfer at need?

thank you
actually, i was hoping for some plain answers=) i have no clue what at least half of that is saying.

furthermore, i have thought of some more questions:

*batwing, radiation pattern?
*what is up with the big square boards? can they be removed to make the unit smaller?
*is the diamand on top the "side emmiter"
*why call it a side emmitter? it is on the top...

ok, am i correct in assuming that batwing is just a name for low dome, whereas lambertian is just a name for high dome?
You know - - I thought those were good questions. Most of them I understand cuz I've been hanging out here for a little while. But I could see where a newbie
might not know and might want to ramp up on his info profile quickly. Now to answer I'd hafta dig for a while.

HD = high dome . . . tighter spot
LD = low dome . . . more spread
LS = Luxeon Star = type of really super bright LED come in 1w or the new 5w which tends to explode.
Side emmitting is a side emmitting LED - I think the light from which can be focused with some sort of reflector. I''d like to mod one into a xD cell Maglite. Dont know if they are out yet.
Mod = modify (CPF speak)
Modding = modifying (CPF speak)
lol, thank you doug, you answered some questions that were there...and some that weren't!

i have been viewing this site for about 4 or 5 months now, but only somewhat recently signed up.

by the way, those are some scary smiley things...
HD= Lambertian/tight-beam
LD= Batwing (named because of the way the brightness/angle graph looks- I think) wider-beam
Side-emmitter= Mimics normal incandescent bulb light-patterns

The LD and HD's both need collimators (lenses) instead of reflectors like a normal incandescent uses. Yes, the one with that funky-shaped lens on it is the side-emmitter. In THEORY, you can use a side-emmitter with a focusable-reflector flashlight mod, like in a Minimag or legend LX. Likely need to enlarge the bulb-hole, and/or place the LED on a slight pedistal.

The aluminum Printed Circuit Board the LS is mounted on isn't required (you can get bare emmitters, LOTS safer than de-soldering a pcb and trying to remove the emmitter w/o breaking it) BUT you'll need to mount it to some kind of a heatsink if you want to put more than ~30mA thru it. I don't remember if the 1w LS has an electrically-neutral base on the emmitter, but the spec-sheet for the 5w says that the 5w definitely doesn't.

You can trim the PCB down with a file or a dremel, if you want. Then you just need to solder directly to the emmitter's leads, instead of those nice, safe solder-pads.

LS's vary a LOT on the voltage. some of them are as low as 3v, others as high as 5.7v (to reach the spec'd 350mA, I mean). It's one of the problems with making arrays with them- I assume Lumileds matches all the LS's on their arrays.

You can run the - terminal thru the flashlight casing, IF whatever power-supply allows you to. The simplest, 3+ alkaline batts and resistors to keep the amperage safe, will work with that. More complex items, like step-up/down regulator circuits might not like that, depending on the exact design.
thank you psycobob, that was very helpful. do you know of a website where i can get detailed instructions on how to solder an emmiter onto a heatsink. also, i don't have any regular led's, and am tired of reading post where people say all of the cool things they have done with them, does anyone know where i can get some nice white 5mm leds reletively cheap? preferably nichia's. I would like to get a lot of luxeons, but money certainly does not permit...i shouldn't be buying the one that i will be...
also, where is the best place to get around 20 5mm 25degree or less, 6000+ or more leds? preferably nichias i suppose.
Originally posted by Rothrandir:
do you know of a website where i can get detailed instructions on how to solder an emmiter onto a heatsink.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Actually, you probably cannot solder an emitter to a heatsink without distroying it. Go to the link below and download AB10 for guidence.
does anyone have any really nice colored and smooth beamed white luxeon stars with the new colminaters lying around that they would like to sell? i want some, or at least 1, but i don't really want to order from a retailer because there is no way to assure good color quality and beam consistancy. I think that someone could potentially make some money by buying them in somewhat large quantities, and selling them at varied prices according to beam color, intensity, smoothness, etc. I certainly would be interested in such a service.