Luxeon Star Headlamp Mod


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 5, 2001
Cottage Grove, Oregon, USA
Fello CPFer's,
I am currently in the process of modifying a Rayovac sportsman Headlamp. I will be mounting a Luxeon Star in the lamp. The power supply is 4 AA batteries supplying 6 volts. The battery pack mounts on the back of the head strap. I will splice into the power chord a LM2595 switching step down regulator, which can attain better than 90% efficiency. The regulator will be housed in a small plastic project box, and will have a on/off switch, and a variable brightness knob.

I already have begun this project, and have posted some pictures of what I've done so far.

Check out the pictures on my web page:

Luxeon Star Headlamp Mod

This modified headlamp will be available for purchase from me, upon completion. I'm not sure what I'll ask for it. $$


Great job, Wayne! How about posting some run-time results, or some pics of the beam when you get around to it?

Keep up the great work...

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by roger:
Great job, Wayne! How about posting some run-time results, or some pics of the beam when you get around to it?

Keep up the great work...


Hi Roger,

Yes, I will have to do that. I need to put up some beam shots and run time results of some of the other mods as well. I think with a headlamp, long battery life is important, so the current may be kept to 300 to 320mA? And have a super bright optional?

With this headlamp mod, a person could actually use different larger battery packs (on the belt?). Like a 8 AA battery pack. Or if a person wanted to go to 4 or 8 'C' 'D' cells, for super long run time? The pack with 4 AA's is just a minimum setup. Input voltage can be up to 30volts!

Simple and effective. IMO one of the best DIY headlamps mod. LS is far superior to the original bulb, and I don't mean the amount of light, but quality.
I have purchased a Max757 one inch regulator board from Wayne and I'm very happy with service. Very well packed and soon served.