Flashlight Enthusiast
Fello CPFer's,
I am currently in the process of modifying a Rayovac sportsman Headlamp. I will be mounting a Luxeon Star in the lamp. The power supply is 4 AA batteries supplying 6 volts. The battery pack mounts on the back of the head strap. I will splice into the power chord a LM2595 switching step down regulator, which can attain better than 90% efficiency. The regulator will be housed in a small plastic project box, and will have a on/off switch, and a variable brightness knob.
I already have begun this project, and have posted some pictures of what I've done so far.
Check out the pictures on my web page:
Luxeon Star Headlamp Mod
This modified headlamp will be available for purchase from me, upon completion. I'm not sure what I'll ask for it. $$
Wayne www.elektrolumens.com
I am currently in the process of modifying a Rayovac sportsman Headlamp. I will be mounting a Luxeon Star in the lamp. The power supply is 4 AA batteries supplying 6 volts. The battery pack mounts on the back of the head strap. I will splice into the power chord a LM2595 switching step down regulator, which can attain better than 90% efficiency. The regulator will be housed in a small plastic project box, and will have a on/off switch, and a variable brightness knob.
I already have begun this project, and have posted some pictures of what I've done so far.
Check out the pictures on my web page:
Luxeon Star Headlamp Mod
This modified headlamp will be available for purchase from me, upon completion. I'm not sure what I'll ask for it. $$
Wayne www.elektrolumens.com