James S
Flashlight Enthusiast
Hi Folks,
I'm having fun testing various luxeon and other high power LED's for some low voltage outdoor lighting. The LuxIII with an optic or reflector makes a terrific uplight or spot to accent something. I now need to decide how to power these things.
The traditional outdoor powersupply for outdoor lighting is 12v AC, which after rectifying to DC is even higher. The supply voltage for a luxeon is under 4v, which means quite a significant drop in voltage making an LM317 based current regulator run really hot and make it difficult to properly heat sink inside the little lamp housings. I'm not terribly worried about efficiency since it's wall powered for now, but it still feels wrong to me to waste it like that /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
I have several options. I could switch from using a 12v AC power supply to using a higher current 5v DC one. This is easy enough to setup since I won't be mixing these lamps with any traditional bulbs on the circuit. However, I'm concerned with the higher line losses at the low voltage DC and also greater connection corrosion with the DC current. But this would make a very simple LM317 based current regulator more feasible.
Other possibilities would be a more complicated power supply in each light. I was considering experimenting with a 5v fixed regulator and then that output through the LM317 (or even just a big resister at this point) in current regulator mode, that would reduce the heat form the 317, but aren't the 5v regulators just linear also and so would generate just as much heat anyway.
The ultimate geek solution would be some kind of buck regulator. I have no interest in purchasing a downboy for each lamp though /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif that would run through my budget in rather a hurry for multiple lights. So I'd rather a circuit that I could build myself with discrete components and not surface mount. I plan to etch a bunch of boards anyway.
Finally there is the most simple solution, don't even worry about the AC, protect the luxeon from the reverse voltage with another diode and limit the current with a big resister and connect them directly to the 12v AC. But the flicker will aggravate me.
I know some other folks have done outdoor lighting but searching of course turns up little in the way of specifics.
Any thoughts for a reasonably priced 12v input power supply I can build for these things?
Thanks guys!
I'm having fun testing various luxeon and other high power LED's for some low voltage outdoor lighting. The LuxIII with an optic or reflector makes a terrific uplight or spot to accent something. I now need to decide how to power these things.
The traditional outdoor powersupply for outdoor lighting is 12v AC, which after rectifying to DC is even higher. The supply voltage for a luxeon is under 4v, which means quite a significant drop in voltage making an LM317 based current regulator run really hot and make it difficult to properly heat sink inside the little lamp housings. I'm not terribly worried about efficiency since it's wall powered for now, but it still feels wrong to me to waste it like that /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
I have several options. I could switch from using a 12v AC power supply to using a higher current 5v DC one. This is easy enough to setup since I won't be mixing these lamps with any traditional bulbs on the circuit. However, I'm concerned with the higher line losses at the low voltage DC and also greater connection corrosion with the DC current. But this would make a very simple LM317 based current regulator more feasible.
Other possibilities would be a more complicated power supply in each light. I was considering experimenting with a 5v fixed regulator and then that output through the LM317 (or even just a big resister at this point) in current regulator mode, that would reduce the heat form the 317, but aren't the 5v regulators just linear also and so would generate just as much heat anyway.
The ultimate geek solution would be some kind of buck regulator. I have no interest in purchasing a downboy for each lamp though /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif that would run through my budget in rather a hurry for multiple lights. So I'd rather a circuit that I could build myself with discrete components and not surface mount. I plan to etch a bunch of boards anyway.
Finally there is the most simple solution, don't even worry about the AC, protect the luxeon from the reverse voltage with another diode and limit the current with a big resister and connect them directly to the 12v AC. But the flicker will aggravate me.
I know some other folks have done outdoor lighting but searching of course turns up little in the way of specifics.
Any thoughts for a reasonably priced 12v input power supply I can build for these things?
Thanks guys!