M6 Yes or No?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 14, 2002
Grand Rapids
I am thinking about the M6 as my next purchase, any advice would be welcome.
123's I get in bulk at work so that is no problem. It's main use would be to have the power of the M6 in my hands
but seriously it would be used for hunting, fishing, and work, mostly. Which is Staging Corporate shows, so I am in the dark a lot. The problem I am having is one, it's a lot of money for a light two, it's a lot of money for a light and three, I have an UltaStinger and a PM12, so I am trying to justify it.

Buy a DB4AA for $8 or so and remove the battery spacers so that the light will accept 6 123's in serial parallel like a M6.

Bore out the reflector hole a little and put in a W/A 01315 6.27 V 1.42 A bulb. You'll be delighted with the output of this bulb overdriven at something like 7.5 V. Watch your run times so you don't overheat and damage your reflector. You may want to settle for a dimmer 6.0 V Mag Charger bulb which is commonly available at $4.95. This dimmer bulb will still be overdriven at something > 200 L.

You can set a whole bunch of these for the cost of one M6.

After I have ordered and received aluminum set screw reflectors from Carley and modded a DB with the reflector epoxied to a tempered glass lens, with a high output W/A T-2 1/4 bulb plugged into a W/A ceramic bulb socket I'll be in a better position to advise how far this concept might go. Target date for receipt of reflectors is mid to late August.
Sounds like a good Mod let me know how it works I would love to try.

P.S. I still want the M6
"so I am trying to justify it."

There is no justification for an M6.
It exudes art and power of its' own volition.
It has no need to be justified.
I am also interested in the 4db mod also!

As for the M6, I don't have one, but you are not going to find anything else that bright and that small!

If you are not going to carry it with you all the time, consider getting an Optronics 2 mil CP spotlight. You have about 20-40 minutes of constant light on one charge, and it is rechargable, and BRIGHT!

You know, an M6 makes a lot more sense when you don't have to purchase the 123's.

You could probably get replacement bulbs and expense them.
jtintagliovat: What are you using now for hunting, fishing and work? (or how much light do you require?)

If you're a flashaholic, you'll simply have to have an M6. I know I couldn't part with mine, but realistically, my M6 fits more into the category of a "WOW!" light. I get the most use out of the M3. But my work and play are vastly different from yours, which is why I asked the question above.

Set your sights on a beast and then do the reasonable and sensible thing and get the M6 instead. Look at the money you saved
M6 would be great for collection, but account for the price, I like an UKE light cannon 100 more! At least it is a HID, run with 8C cells, burns longer, water proof, whiter light but heavier.
have a happy weekend
The M6 is one of the best and brightest flashlights ever made. A "must have" flashlight.

Once it`s in your hands, you`ll be forever glad that you made the purchase.

Best wishes to you!
If you can spare the cash I highly recommend the M6. I was messing around with mine last night. I don't need it, but it's nice to have that kind of light output at my command. It may actually be too bright for your needs...but not knowing those needs I can't say for sure.

the LC HID is a nice light but I think the replacement bulbs are 60 or 70 bucks. That's the reason I don't have one of those. Can you give me an idea of how long the bulbs last and their actual cost?


If you want it, don't try to *justify* it. If ou've got the money, and the supply of batteries, go for it!
jtintagliovat: What are you using now for hunting, fishing and work? (or how much light do you require?)
If you're a flashaholic, you'll simply have to have an M6. I know I couldn't part with mine, but realistically, my M6 fits more into the category of a "WOW!" light. I get the most use out of the M3. But my work and play are vastly different from yours, which is why I asked the question above.

I use my Scorpion for general lighting, but have carried my magcharger in the past for those noises off in the distance that can scare the crap out of you at 5am in the pitch black sitting in your stand. I also use a Mini Mag for up close lighting when you don't what to blind your self. I always carry at lest three lights in the woods, it can get really dark in Northern Michigan on a cloudy night even with a 12 Gauge in your hands it can be scary .
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jtintagliovat:
I use my Scorpion for general lighting, but have carried my magcharger in the past for those noises off in the distance that can scare the crap out of you at 5am in the pitch black sitting in your stand. I also use a Mini Mag for up close lighting when you don?t what to blind your self. I always carry at lest three lights in the woods, it can get really dark in Northern Michigan on a cloudy night even with a 12 Gauge in your hands it can be scary .<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Thought 1: Get your Mini Mag an Opalec Newbeam kit. Regulated output for about 10 hours. Even better, get an Inova X5 (so you can carry just 123 spare batteries).

Thought 2: The M6 is very sturdy and would be a good selection for dependability.

Thought 3: Even without the cost of batteries, running the high output lamp is probably going to get you unacceptabily short run times. I would suggest going with the low output lamp, but you still get 250 (?) lumens and runtime more like an hour.

Thought 4: The light cannon sounds too delicate and too heavy for backwoods use.

Thought 5: Rumor (see Cafe - Diner with PK) is that SF isn't going to do any HID lights soon.

Thought 6: For backwoods use, you might consider converting your Scorpion to a SF M2 with LOLA. The M2 is stronger and more waterproof. The LOLA give about the same amount of light and lasts longer. Due to the cost and the fact that the Scorpion is a good light I'd put this one at the end of my to-buy list.

Thought 7: The M6 will be much better for the Magcharger in the use you describe, not only in light output, but man, I wouldn't want to lug a Magcharger through the woods.

Thought 8: I don't think you said what lights you carry in the woods (althought I assume Magcharger, MiniMag & Scorpion), but you might want to add a UK 2L as a backup light. Very waterproof. Bullet proof. Long runtime. Inexpensive. Beam is less than perfect, but a good backup light that takes the same spare batteries as your other lights.

Thought 9: You need an Arc AAA. Very small, good for task lighting, cheap to run. Spare batteries are small and light.

Can we summarize?

- SF M6 w/LOLA
- SF M2 w/LOLA
- Inova X5
- UK 2L
- Arc AAA

There, now don't you feel better?

Of course you are broke now as well! :)

Ok, lets talk about these LED light I have a Lightwave2000 and 4000 I have not seen the Arc or x5 but I am just not sold on the light output for how much LED's cost. I always want more light than I really need.
Having used the M6 with the MN21 most of the time I've had one, I find that 20 minutes of runtime lasts ages because I don't use it like I would my 10X.

I have an M6 with an MN21 in it, and an M6 with an MN20 in it. I can tell straight away from the beam that I've not got the 500Lu lamp so I've put a red BeamFilter on the one with the MN21 so I know which to grab in a hurry.
