<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jtintagliovat:
I use my Scorpion for general lighting, but have carried my magcharger in the past for those noises off in the distance that can scare the crap out of you at 5am in the pitch black sitting in your stand. I also use a Mini Mag for up close lighting when you don?t what to blind your self. I always carry at lest three lights in the woods, it can get really dark in Northern Michigan on a cloudy night even with a 12 Gauge in your hands it can be scary .<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Thought 1: Get your Mini Mag an Opalec Newbeam kit. Regulated output for about 10 hours. Even better, get an Inova X5 (so you can carry just 123 spare batteries).
Thought 2: The M6 is very sturdy and would be a good selection for dependability.
Thought 3: Even without the cost of batteries, running the high output lamp is probably going to get you unacceptabily short run times. I would suggest going with the low output lamp, but you still get 250 (?) lumens and runtime more like an hour.
Thought 4: The light cannon sounds too delicate and too heavy for backwoods use.
Thought 5: Rumor (see Cafe - Diner with PK) is that SF isn't going to do any HID lights soon.
Thought 6: For backwoods use, you might consider converting your Scorpion to a SF M2 with LOLA. The M2 is stronger and more waterproof. The LOLA give about the same amount of light and lasts longer. Due to the cost and the fact that the Scorpion is a good light I'd put this one at the end of my to-buy list.
Thought 7: The M6 will be much better for the Magcharger in the use you describe, not only in light output, but man, I wouldn't want to lug a Magcharger through the woods.
Thought 8: I don't think you said what lights you carry in the woods (althought I assume Magcharger, MiniMag & Scorpion), but you might want to add a UK 2L as a backup light. Very waterproof. Bullet proof. Long runtime. Inexpensive. Beam is less than perfect, but a good backup light that takes the same spare batteries as your other lights.
Thought 9: You need an Arc AAA. Very small, good for task lighting, cheap to run. Spare batteries are small and light.
Can we summarize?
- SF M6 w/LOLA
- SF M2 w/LOLA
- Inova X5
- UK 2L
- Arc AAA
There, now don't you feel better?
Of course you are broke now as well!