For Jim's ( and mine / others) use I dont think an internal slip insert would work, as Emoli cells only just fit into C mags as it is with Increadibly thin tape.
I think the best thing we can do here Jim is get the whole tube made out of SS.
It would be stronger, and ready to go, as far as internal diameter for accepting the card wrapped Emoli or A123.
I think when we were finnished the only aluminum bit would be the bell, as with FM SS tail cap, proposed S.S. body & S.S bezel.
I'd be well up for some SS bodies in rough 7C format and , 420mm lengths, or maybee extentions to make adjustable, and I already have 3 x 7C's, but would like more than 5 emoli, hence the 420mm tube, or extentionable tube.
this can all be done in the 6D + extentions, but the C mags feel good in the hand.
I'd love a all SS maglike "C" Frankentorch.
Maybee this is one for Five Mega's thread on "whats missing"
Or one for Leef? or Any other modders / Machinists.
Maybee I could take out a second morgage if this could be done in titanium :naughty: