How does the brightness of a mag85 compare with that of the 10 million candlepower Thor? And how would a 10 million candlepower Thor compare with Surefire's Beast?
Actually, it just so happens I tried that out the other night with a friend who has a Thor. The Thor is a much tighter beam. The Mag85 does not have the throw to compare, but it actually did better than I would have expected, and covers a much wider area at treetop level. Too bad I didn't have a camera, because the differences were pretty easy to see.
xpitxbull, who's home is that? The neighboors must have freaked /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif Wow the Thor is insane!! I wish it was available at Canadian Costco stores. I checked two of them in my area and no thory poohs to be found /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif
Raybo: I don't have a Surefire Beast. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif
Vortex: I don't know the guy. Even though I do my tests around midnight I don't think it shines in the guys bedroom window. My Thor is stock (for now). My X990 is still my lumen champion (for now). USL and Polaris are soon to come. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
[ QUOTE ] Vortex said:
xpitxbull, who's home is that? The neighboors must have freaked /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif Wow the Thor is insane!! I wish it was available at Canadian Costco stores. I checked two of them in my area and no thory poohs to be found /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif
[/ QUOTE ]
I seen the Thor yesterday at Canadian tire, I go n weekly to look at regular flashlights.
The Thor had missed my previous searches, they keep it in automotive.. The one I was playing with was Bright orange and fully charged!! $89.00
This thing could light up the wall on the far end of the store with all the lights on in the middle of the day.
All I can say is that it's a whole lot easier carrying a Mag85 than a Thor. My comparison looked very much like the pics above. What you can't see as well is the difference in spill...the Mag cuts a much wider swath than the Thor.
[ QUOTE ] MaxaBaker said:
Does anyone know or can anyone find out how much CP the Mag85 does have?
I remember reading that the Thor was VERY far under one-million CP and the Thor certainly has more CP than a Mag85.
[/ QUOTE ]
The 10MCP Thor is not "far under one million candlepower". The setup of the mag85 will determine how much throw it has. When people measure candlepower, it usually is in reference to the hotspot. Reflector and reflector texture plays a part in what you are looking for.
I haven't checked to see how to convert lux to candlepower. Someone else will have to chime in and fill in that info.
Yeah, I know that the reflector and setup has a lot to do with it. I think DL meant at the most focused point you can get with the standard mag head and metal orange peel reflector.
I remember reading about the Thor's real CP on a thread somewhere; it was under the big million level by quite a bit though. I have been searching like crazy but can't find the thread for the life of me. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thinking.gif Anyone else know what I'm talking about?