mag C grip?

Nobody? I find it hard to believe there's nothing out there. I,ve searced to no avail. Would anyone else be interested? It could be a small spacer as is download's magring.
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I've been looking for a mag C grip but after searching the forum, I couldn't find anything I liked. (bicycle tires, heatshink tubing, nite ize, etc) I really wanted a grip since switching to a tailcap clicky. I wanted something with good grip, thin, durable, easy to put on, good looking and CHEAP.

I stumbled apon my solution because of racquetball. I needed to replace the grip on my handle and found a product called wh*tagrip at W*lm*rt for $2.50. I really like the material since it wasn't rubber but "Polyurethane and Mesh." I feels comfortable, doesn't move too much and blah blah blah... I'm starting to feel like I'm trying to sell this item... TRY IT OUT and you'll like it TOO!!! :sick2:

After one cut and some double-sided tape, I have this... :twothumbs
The problem I have with heat shrink tubing is that it's not as tacky or grippy. It also looks cheap. <-- That's just my opinion.
Would it be possible to get a extra wide tube of heat shrink and shrink it to it.:thinking:

Maybe something like this:

Heat shrink is not grippy at all and will get cracked (torn) in heavy use.
I used rubber sleeve of PolyStinger over machinned M*g "C" body.
It is designed for thinner Sub"C" bodies but rubber can soften in boiled water and stretch a bit. I don't have the picture but was done years ago.
:thinking: What about a foam rubber grip for a motorcycle replacement grips. Kind of the same material on the Ace AFX-E stock. If it's too tight too slide on I'd try spraying it inside with alcohol and slipping it on quick as that works for surgical tubing when replacing sling shot rubber.

Your link didn't show up on my computer. If you are referring to the Leefgrip reminiscent of a Z2 grip you could try and find a thick rubber doughnut ring that would fit into a groove which could be machined ito the Mag C.
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